December 23, 2018 – Why would you want to shoot the wolves?

My mistress told my master today that she read an article in a newspaper that they have a problem with wolves in Austria and Germany. The officials want to allow shooting wolves in Austria that come too close to humans. The wolves are back in Europe, I know that much. And it looks like they kill sheep and other farm animals. Hey, they are wolves and this is the easiest way to get food. That is easier to hunt a deer or a boar. But this does not mean they would attach humans. I just don’t get it. Humans are responsible that the wolves disappeared in Western Europe. Now the wolves come back and the humans want to kill them. This is just not right. They are part of the nature, part of the original habitat. Why shouldn’t they live there among the other animals and the humans? The wolf is good for the environment, that’s a fact. Ever heard about that project in Yellowstone National Park, what happened after the wolves came back? The biological balance came back into the park. The same thin...