
Showing posts with the label serrone

Buffalo farm, herding dogs and living in Serrone - February 9, 2022

After living in Italy for about a month now I can say I love it. The climate is perfect for me and my old bones and whenever the weather is good my humans leave the office door open so that Mogli and I can lie outside on the patio in the sun. We made tours to some towns around here, for example Olevano Romano. And we’ve been to the centro storico of Serrone, our hometown. Boy I can tell you, these roads up there are crazy, steep roads, 25-degree bends and on one side of the road the mountain and on the other side steep gradient.    Smørrebrød, smørrebrød, remtemtemtem, Lupo what are you blogging about? Are you telling our readers about our drive up to the top of Monte Scalambra? Don’t be a fraidy-cat, it's fun driving up there. I wish we could have run around free and chase the wild horses down the hill. I wish I could join one of the paragliders that fly down there. That must be great!     Oh, Mogli you are a diehard! The poor horses - I’m sure they w...