Buffalo farm, herding dogs and living in Serrone - February 9, 2022

After living in Italy for about a month now I can say I love it. The climate is perfect for me and my old bones and whenever the weather is good my humans leave the office door open so that Mogli and I can lie outside on the patio in the sun.

We made tours to some towns around here, for example Olevano Romano. And we’ve been to the centro storico of Serrone, our hometown. Boy I can tell you, these roads up there are crazy, steep roads, 25-degree bends and on one side of the road the mountain and on the other side steep gradient. 


Smørrebrød, smørrebrød, remtemtemtem, Lupo what are you blogging about? Are you telling our readers about our drive up to the top of Monte Scalambra? Don’t be a fraidy-cat, it's fun driving up there. I wish we could have run around free and chase the wild horses down the hill. I wish I could join one of the paragliders that fly down there. That must be great! 


Oh, Mogli you are a diehard! The poor horses - I’m sure they were happy that you couldn't chase them. 


Did I tell you about all the dogs and cats in our neighbourhood? There are plenty of dogs living close to us, the little black one on the other street, the two small ones across the street, the large two dogs behind that gate -I don't think they are very friendly -, the little puppy that is afraid of us, and …


Don’t forget the black Labrador; Lupo, I don't know his name. You know that one that makes his morning walks all by himself, constantly saying ‘buongiorno’ to everyone who want to hear it or not. He’s walking on the middle of the street and does not care if cars, busses, trucks, motorcycles or tractors come his way. I like that dude, he’s cool! 


Oh Mogli, it's dangerous walking on the street. There is no sidewalk, but he could walk on the side of the street. Then there is that big beige one from the bar, the small red and white one and some others and lots of cats.


Smørrebrød let me tell the story about that white one, please, let me tell them!


Ok my Husky friend, tell our readers.


One day our master found a new shortcut to the supermarket. Coming from the supermarket we had to drive up a steep hill where we have to stop before turning onto another street. My mistress drove up that hill and suddenly, a huge white dog was chasing the car. The dog was really fast and tried to get in front of the car. My mistress was worried to run the dog over and stopped the car and honked. Bad mistake! Now the dog was in front of the car. Lupo and I barked - it's our job to protect our humans and this dog was scary. 

When my mistress had a chance to continue driving, she put the pedal to the metal and the car raced up the hill followed by the dog. Luckily, we got rid of the dog before we arrived home. 


I agree Mogli that was a quite a situation. Our mistress told us that it could have been a Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog. It’s a livestock guardian dog. They are about Mogli’s size but more massive with white fur. These dogs take care of sheep herds, and they protect the sheep against predators like wolves. There are quite a lot of these dogs around here.


My turn, my turn, Smørrebrød, I want to blog about the buffalos!


Ok, ok, go ahead, but cut to the chase!


Smørrebrød, once upon a time there were two dogs and their beautiful mistress and the handsome master. They lived in a faraway land called Italy. 


Mogli! Stop that nonsense.


Tabernak, I love fairy tales, but as you wish master Lupo, … 

Well, somehow my mistress heard about that place where they sell buffalo mozzarella right from the farm. Our humans decided to go there and have a look what they offer. So, one day we went to Fattoria Valle Martelli di Marocca in Anagni. When we arrived a couple of small dogs welcomed us. Lupo and I had to stay in the car - as usual and to tell you the truth, I don't like staying in the car while there are so many things to discover. I would have loved to play with the other dogs, say Hi to the cats and get to know these buffalos.




Ok, ok, our humans went into the store to get some cheese. It took them quite a while to return to the car. The cheese they bought smelled very delicious, buffalo mozzarella and buffalo ricotta. Unfortunately, they put it in the cooler so I couldn't get to it. I would love to taste it.

Instead of driving off back home again our humans went to see the buffalos. Why can’t I come along? I will behave, I promised. Just a little buffalo chasing…. No chance, off they went without me. It looked like they said Salve to every single one of the buffalos. I mean, they look cute, but I am sure they won’t fit through the door of the house. 


My humans were happy, they loved the buffalos, and they loved the cheese even more. We even had a little bit of cheese to try it. I loved it – can I have more please.?! So, if you are ever in the area of Anagni, Città Dei Papi, visit the Fattoria Valle Martelli. 


Good job Mogli, see, you could be a great blogger if you wanted to. Your English needs to be improved, but we will be working on this.


Smørrebrød, and they lived happily ever after!


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