May 02, 2024 - Life is good

Ciao ragazzi,

I am 4 months old now and I can tell you, life has been great so far. There is so much out there to discover! 

My buddy Mogli is chilled, I can bite him in the neck, in the tail, or any other body parts without him getting angry. Sometimes he gets annoyed because I exaggerate but most of the time he is cool with it. He plays with me, we do small fights, like wrestling and barking competitions. And he taught me how to speak Huskish, or whatever it is they call the Husky language. 

Smørrebrød, hej Balu, you know, I am just very patient because you are still a puppy. You should know, I am the boss of this pack, including our humans!

Chill brother, I do know that, but I am the cool Italian guy. All the neighbors love me and think I'm cute, even the neighbors who didn't say Ciao to my humans in the past do so now - because of me. Only problem, I have to pee every time I get excited. That's kind of embarrassing, but I can't help it. 

It's fun teasing my humans, although they don't think it's funny. My mistress is kind of mad at me because I ate parts of her orange tree, basil and rosemary and I do my business on the porch instead of the yard. It's more convenient for me. Somehow I had too much of the rosemary yesterday and I had to through up. Stones are also nice to chew on, these baby teeth are itching and I need to chew on something. My humans gave me toys to chew on but that's not as much fun as stones or wood. They keep stopping me from doing this, but that doesn't bother me.

There is one thing that makes me really sad, I am not allowed to sleep in the bed with them. Mogli is sleeping in the bed but they keep telling me that unless I have my excitement peeing under control I am not allowed to sleep in the bed. Well, according to my mistress that might take another couple of months. 

As I am too big for my box I am allowed to be in the back of the car with Mogli. That's fun! Now I can look out of the window while I have my front paws on Mogli's back. At least it's fun for me and that's all that matters. 

Do you like rain? Well I do! Mogli is a Sissy, he doesn't like rain and he refuses to go outside if it's raining or wet outside. Me on the other hand don't care if it's raining or not, I just love being outside. I wouldn't mind being outside all day long, but my humans don't like that. 
I have grown a lot, my humans are worried that I will get very big. But they actually wanted a medium-sized dog. They also say my proportions aren't right. My mistress even says that I look as if they've taken dog body parts that don't fit together and simply put them together. That's not a nice thing to say I guess. But I know she loves me nevertheless. 


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