November 28, 2018 – Tracks in the snow

We got snow again over night. Did I mention I love snow? My mistress knows that and she took me for a walk on the property again. While we were on our way to the power line, which crosses the property, I had to stay close to my mistress to make sure I don’t destroy any tracks.

And believe it or not, she found tracks of either coyotes or wolves. Coyotes and wolves walk in a line, one stepping in the tracks of the one in front and they walk straight. You know, when I run around in the backyard I go from here to there and there and back again, whereas the coyotes and wolves walk straight. The reason for that is that they need to save energy, as they do not know when they will find food again. I know for sure that I get food every day from my humans. These coyotes and wolves don’t have humans that take care of them.

Well, we found the tracks and as you can see in the picture it really looks like tracks of a wolf or coyote. And I could smell them. I get really excited when I smell them and I have to mark the territory A LOT.

Isn’t that amazing, I – Lupo from Germany, can smell wolves and coyotes on the other side of the world. Who would have thought that would happen when we still were in Germany? I love traveling and explore the world. But never forget, there is wild animals out there and they can be dangerous. Remember I told you about that bear at Tim’s property? Fred, the dog of some friends of my humans and neighbor’s of Tim’s, he was attacked by a bear on the train tracks. He lost a leg and an eye. He recovered but what a shock. Fred is taller than I am. The might have been me if we would have stayed. My humans told me bears are dangerous and I should stay away from them but I am very curious and I don’t know what I would have done if I had met that bear.

Professional Reader


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