December 22, 2018 – Finally somebody understood what kind of food I like or what is Christmas

It’s almost Christmas they keep telling me. By They I mean my humans and everybody else. All that music with the bells ringing and my mistress baked cookies, what’s all that hassle about?
My mistress tried to explain that to me, but to be honest, I don’t quite get it. Santa Clause, Christkind, reindeers, elves, what is all that? I hope you know what Christmas means, because I can’t explain that to you, I just don’t have a clue. How about you try to explain that to me – what is Christmas, why is everybody so crazy about it and what’s that thing with these decorated trees everywhere?

The good thing about that Christmas is the food. I don’t know about you but I love good food. Today we were invited to Hermy’s house for supper. Early Christmas Supper they called it. I don’t care what it is called as long as it is good. And this one definitely was very delicious.
Hermy made a nice ham with vegetables and potatoes. Forget about that vegetable stuff, I am not a rabbit. All I am interested in is the meat! Oh and what a delicious meat.
Hermy made sure I don’t starve and gave me my food, plenty of ham. I even got desert – blueberry pie with whipped cream.

The humans talked and talked and talked. I don’t understand everything they are talking about, this is boring for me. But you can be sure, as soon as they say my name or say the word food or walk or anything like that I am right awake.

I love Hermy; she is such a nice lady. I think she loves me too, why else would she treat me with that yummy food?
It is crazy, we made so many new friends in the last three years while we traveled and my humans stay in touch with most of them. Plus we met an uncountable number of strangers that said I am a very cute and beautiful dog. Strangers in the super market, on the street, everywhere. My humans have business cards for me and they hand it out to them. Maybe that’s why so many people read my blog. But how come people from Russia, Australia, Ukraine, Japan, Singapore, India, Uzbekistan, China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Vietnam and other countries read my blog? They haven’t got a business card I would guess. I am quite sure my humans did not send them out by mail.
Looks like I am a little famous. Not sure if I like that or not, we’ll see.

Professional Reader


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