Our new home – January 4, 2022
My turn, my turn, my turn! Hej everyone smørrebrød, it’s me, Mogli! Lupo needs a break, he’s getting old. I will blog now! No, you will not, this is my blog and you can help me once in a while. For now you can go on, but I will have a close eye on you. Don’t blog any nonsense. Smørrebrød, ok, you are the boss old man. My English is not good. Please be patio with me, no patient. Today we moved into the house. We had to leave öhrli, early in the morning. San Quirico, the town where we move to, is located on a mountain. We drove up-hill for quiet, quite a while. Smørrebrød, tabernac, writing in English is not as easy as I thought. My humans, sorry, our humans, were afraid we wouldn’t make it to San Quirico with the trailer. But we did! We drove by at first, there was no smørrebrød number on the house. This seems to be common in Italy. And if there are numbers on the houses they are not in order. Not all the time I mean. The landlord, was waiting for...