Food - the most important thing in life - July 2, 2021


I already told you that I love food, not just dog food but human food as well. My humans fed me a lot of different dog foods, some of them I liked, others I did not. They feed me dry food, my digestion is not too keen on wet food.
In the USA I had food with peanut butter flavour, or cheeseburger flavour, in Canada it was mainly hamburger flavour. Here in Germany it's chicken or beef flavour, sometimes duck. None of them were outstanding.
While we were in Burg, Dithmarschen a year ago, my humans found a shop that sells dog food mainly made out of fish. My humans bought a sack of food there and I loved it right away. Mogli? Don't ask him, he will anything, he doesn't care. 

Mogli: "That's not true, I love a good taste. I only eat paper because I can chew on it and will not tear anything else apart. Remember, I'm a Husky and I love fish, that's in my blood. I was born in Swedish Lapland."

Be quiet, you don't care how the food tastes, as long as it is edible. 

Ok, let me tell you a little bit more about this food they sell at Icepaw. The store belongs to the Tetzner family. They do have a sled dog farm in Burg. The daughter as well as the owner compete in dog sled races all over the world. To feed their dogs the best possible food they developed Icepaw food. The main ingredient in their food is fish, all kinds of fish, salmon, krill, herring, etc.

I get the senior food with herring and poultry. My fur was never that shiny and my joints are great although I am 10 years old (in human years). Mogli hat the lamb and rice food all the time and he loved it. It contains just the right amount of protein and fat his sensitive stomach can digest without problems. 

Now my humans wanted to try something else for him, he get's insect food now. He loves that one even more and his poops are perfect (sorry if I offended you, but it's the truth).
But the best thing they sell at Icepaw isn't the food, it's the treats! When we went to the shop we tried the dried cod fish skin and I absolutely loved it. It makes that sound when you bite into it and it tastes so good. Recently my mistress bought something else, Norwegian Stickfish - not bad but not my favourite either. My favourite is dried blue whiting - unbeatable good and my absolute favourite ever. I think I can speak for Mogli too, he loves it and when you watch him eating this snack you can see him drooling. The slobber just drips while is waiting to get it and doesn't stop until the last little crumb is eaten.

If you want to feed your dog something special think of Icepaw. No, I don't get paid for this, neither are my humans or Mogli. I just want to let you know that this is THE BEST DOG FOOD EVER!!!! and you should give this to your dog if you love him or her. They do ship to other countries too!


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