Funny dolls in the garden, Chloe and Cindy and my mistress broke her arm - April 23, 2021

On Easter Sunday my humans, Mogli and I went for a walk in the woods. All of a sudden while talking to my master, my mistress slipped and fell. She fell on her left side, very hard, and I could hear a crack. She was in a lot of pain when she got up again. My master took her to the Bundeswehr Krankenhaus (a hospital) in Koblenz. My master, Mogli and I had to wait quite a while until she finally came back to the car. She had a cast on her left arm, the arm was broken and needed to be in the cast for about 6 weeks. Now she can't take a shower and needs help doing somethings. Luckily my master is here and can help her.

Sometimes when our humans take Mogli and me for a walk at the Lahn we meet two boxer dog girls named Cindy and Chloe. It's fun playing with them and if no other dogs are around we can run free.

Cindy is older than I am and she doesn't like it when I say hallo doggy style, you know, sniffing her bud.

The humans of Cindy and Chloe live in Fachbach and they have two mannequins sitting at a table in their garden. The mannequins are dressed accordingly to the season. Isn't that weird? Why would someone do something like that. Well, I am a dog - what do I know. If you are ever coming to Fachbach you need to loot at the mannequins, they are right next to the Camping Beach Club Fachbach an der Lahn.


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