October 15, 2019 - On our way home

October 15, 2019 - On our way home Two weeks ago the dad of my master’s best friend passed away, shortly after we arrived in Arvidsjaur. He was like a second Dad to my master and my master is very sad. The funeral is at the end of this week. My master wants to be at the funeral and give him a last farewell. So my humans decided to go back to Germany. We were meant to stay three months in Swedish Lapland but sometimes thing don’t go as planned. Also my humans had the feeling they could not have enough time for their own business. Internet is limited where we were and although my mistress bought something to use the Internet, something called cellular or SIM card, the reception was bad. Plus, they were too tired to do much in the evenings. I liked it a lot in Swedish Lapland. I running around and play with the other dogs. There was so much to sniff and experience besides all the dogs gossip. My humans were very sad we had to leave already because they liked it there and they liked...