October 10, 2019 - SNOW!

It started snowing yesterday afternoon and now we do have a little snow. It’s not much; not enough for a dog sled but even a little snow is great for me. I like rolling in the snow.
Snow also means it’s cold and there is no mud in the kennels any more or anywhere else.

My humans will make a new website for Marianne and Wolf and therefore my mistress took pictures of every single dog today. Of course the dogs did not pose, they tried to cuddle and play while my master cleaned the kennel and my mistress tried to take pictures. Meanwhile I had to stay in the camper. I had to stay there for the last couple of days because I tried to jump Stella, she is in heat and I would love to have some kids myself. From the camper I could see my humans and hear them.

This afternoon my master was on the training wagon for the first time. For the first time he experienced the strength of the 12 dogs when they pull the wagon. They are not in training yet as Wolf only started the training after we arrived. When they are trained they can reach up to 20 km/hour or 14 miles/hour.
My master and my mistress helped preparing the wagon and the dogs. My master loved being on the sled and was impressed of how strong these dogs are. I just hope they will never get the idea to let me be part of the team. I would not be able to run even a short distance pulling the wagon.

The two families that visited last week returned today and in the evening the humans started a campfire and had a BBQ. I wished I could be part of it because you never know if somebody drops some meat. My mistress was freezing and she returned to the camper early while my master had another steak and joined us later.


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