October 1, 2019 - HELP, these puppies are eating me alive!

October 1, 2019 - HELP, these puppies are eating me alive!

Today my humans made me join the puppies in their kennel. I walked in there and suddenly the five puppies were all over me, pinching me everywhere. I had to tell them to stop but they did not listen. I even had to growl to make them stop but they did not listen. After I stayed in there for a while they lost interest in me, stopped and played together. Laponia was in the kennel too and she helped me calming them down.
Although I tried to stop them I had pinch marks everywhere.

There is one kennel where the females in heat are kept. Stella is in there during the day too. These females drive us boys nuts. Costa is in the kennel right next to them and he is out of his mind about the females. He does not like me being near his kennel and he tells me that in a very convincing way. I like teasing him but only because I know there is a fence between us. I am not sure what he would do to me if he could get ahold of me and I don’t really want to know. Meanwhile I keep teasing him hoping for the best. My humans keep telling me to stay away from him and stop teasing him but I keep ignoring it.

Later today when my master and Wolf fed the dogs I was allowed to go with them. I went into almost every kennel and all the dogs I met were very friendly and accepted me, although I was a stranger and not a part of their pack.
Remember what I told you about the dogs in Germany? Dogs in Sweden are the complete opposite, all the dogs are friendly. Even when two other dogs, Nelly and Teddy, from a friend of Wolf and Marianne came over we just said Hello to each other and started to play. Nelly and Teddy are Briards, black Briards to be specific. Briards are large ancient bearding dogs from France.
When we are in the house, the four dogs of us, you would imagine that there was a lot of Tohuwabohu. Not at all, we all just walk around for a while and then lie down and rest. Even the two cats, Merlin and Marko, join us and are not scared.


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