September 27, 2019 - Arrival in Arvidsjaur and meeting the packs

Shortly after 4 am we arrived in Jörn, where we disembarked the train and waited for our taxi. There were several taxis to different locations. Two other people were going to Arvidsjaur, so we shared the ride. My humans were very tired; they hadn’t slept for almost 48 hours. Me on the other hand, I had some good naps during our travels and I wasn’t that tired. Of course 4 am in the morning is not my time to get up and I felt I could easily take another nap. We did not have to wait long when Wolf arrived to pick us up. It was dark and we couldn’t see much of the landscape, to be honest, we didn’t see anything, it was pitch black.

The house where Wolf and Marianne lived was very nice and we were greeted by Alaska, Stella and Malek. These are the dogs that live in the house. Alaska is 12 years old and she is the queen of the house.
My humans had an early breakfast and all humans went back to bed to catch some more sleep. We were supposed to stay in a camper but it wasn’t entirely ready for us yet, so we stayed in the guest room.
At around 11 am the humans got up and Wolf showed us around on the property. Marianne was still in Switzerland to visit family but she would return the same evening.
OMG, there were soooooo many dogs. I knew it would be 36 dogs but I couldn’t imagine what it would be like. They were in kennels, separated in packs, with boxes and a lot of room to walk around. 10 kennels all-together. In one of them were the little ones, only seven months old and in another one were Costa and Winnipeg. Costa is a wolf hybrid, 70% wolf and 30% dog. He is huge and I am not sure yet if he is friendly or would try to eat me.
The other dogs were barking and howling and sniffing. I did not know where to look or sniff first, too much information at once. The property is very big with farm buildings on it.
After my humans got some working clothes they started to work with Wolf. My mistress learned how to clean the kennels and take care of the drinking water for the dogs.
My humans were tired at the end of the day and so was I and we went to bed early while Wolf was picking up Marianne at the airport in Piteå.


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