October 5, 2019 - My humans are busy

Meanwhile we moved from the house into a camper. The camper is big and has a shower, toilet and kitchen and is very warm inside. I am allowed to sleep on the bed with my humans.
My humans get all the meals in the house while I have my food either with the other dogs or in the camper.

After breakfast my mistress cleans all the kennels, gives the dogs fresh water and cuddles all of them. They all enjoy that very much just as I do. Luckily I still get more attention from my mistress than all the other dogs and I am the only one that is allowed in my human’s bed.

My master helps building stuff. This afternoon my humans and Wolf built a roof for a little room next to the kennels where all the harnesses and dog bowls are stored. It took them a while to do that.
Sometimes there is other stuff my humans help with, like installing lamps on the outside of the house, feed the dogs and help putting on the harnesses and tie them to the training cart.
Whatever Wolf and Marianne need help with my humans help them.

Today friends of Wolf and Marianne arrived with campers. One of the families is friends of Wolf and Marianne and the other family is friends with that family. Did you get this? Ok, let’s try that again. Family A and Family B came with two campers. Family A is friends with Wolf and Marianne and Family B is friends with Family A. There were five kids with them.
The kids had a lot of fun. It was a little too noisy for me but that’s ok.

Earlier that afternoon I had a little playtime with the young dogs, the puppies. They can be quite a pain in the bud, they never leave me alone. I am very tired after playing with them.


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