
April 1, 2019 – Count’s Kustom Car Tour

Last night was bad; the local phone rang twice in the middle of the night. The first time my humans weren’t fast enough to answer it. About an hour later at around 3.30 am the phone rang again. This time my master was fast enough to answer it. Somebody was asking for a Jojo. Well there is not Jojo here. I dreamed about a huge steak just for me and was just about to take my first bite when that phone rang the second time. When I closed my eyes again the steak was gone. How disappointing! Although we all had a bad night the alarm clock rang at about 6 am. While my humans had breakfast somebody opened our apartment door with a key. Only that one lock from the inside stopped him from coming in. My master went to the door and asked what he wanted and all he said was “I thought this is number xxx” and my master confirmed but told him that we live here now. Later my mistress emailed the people that work here and take care of everything. My humans had to get up and ready to leave for the ...

March 27, 2019 – My mistress has birthday today and we went sightseeing again.

My humans slept in today, as it was my mistress’s birthday. For breakfast they went to iHop next door and of course I went with them. As my mistress was a member in My iHop she got free pancakes. Can you imagine – I did get NOTHING for breakfast, not even a small bite? This is not fair. After having breakfast my humans went to the German Bread Bakery. They bought some Laugenbroetchen, which are Pretzel Rolls and a loaf of bread. I don’t like bread; it does not have much of a taste but my humans like it. Next stop was the Las Vegas Outlet North, as my humans needed some summer clothes. They say the t-shirts and pants they have are a couple of years old and look worn out. There were a lot of people in the Outlet. My humans only went to two stores and I am very happy with that. They had a coffee at Starbucks and I got some ice cubes. My humans carry a backpack with my bowl and a thermos with ice cubes as well as treats for me. This way they make sure I drink enough and don’t get hydrat...

March 23, 2019 – Visiting my favorite dog park

My humans decided to take me to my favorite dog park again. It’s a little further away than the other one but the Francier’s Dog Park is my absolute favorite because there is that huge grass area. The weather was great, the sun was shining and it was nice and warm, not too warm though. When we arrived there weren’t too many cars there – so not too many dogs which I like. The first dogs I met were two Huskies. One of them was a 14-year old Siberian Wooly Husky. What a beautiful dog. The other one was a Samoyed Mix. My humans took me to the big grassy area. There were a couple of dogs, most of them about my size. Another Husky was there too, a puppy, only 4 months old. He wanted to play with me but I had to run around and read the latest news. This is a huge area so that takes a while. When I was done I played with the puppy and some other dogs. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it very much. My humans took the harness of when we came there and I just had a collar on. That gives me m...

March 22, 2019 – The Never Ending Story finally comes to an End

The vehicle my humans bought in Canada back in January is still not registered here in Nevada. It is imported after a lot of paper work but not registered yet. Last time my humans and I went to the DMV we were told there was one more paper they needed. So my mistress talked to the responsible person from the dealership yesterday and believe it or not, that paper arrived this morning with a courier service. Less than 24 hours from Canada to Nevada – my mistress thought that was amazing. You might be able to guess where we went today. Yes, you are completely right, we went to the DMV again. But this time was different, this time we had a pass and we were able to just walk through without standing in line. Don’t be mistaken; it still took about two hours to get everything done. Luckily that nice lady we had been to before was our agent again, Christine was her name. My mistress had to sign a lot of papers and to pay money for taxes, title and registration. This is so complicated, why doe...

March 19, 2019 – Sightseeing on the strip (part 2)

Before we went to the strip to do some sightseeing in our temporary hometown my humans went to the German Bakery in Henderson. My humans left me in the car while they went in there. Luckily our car has a feature where you can have the air condition running while the car is locked from the outside. This way I can stay in the car without getting hot. My humans were very happy when they came back into the car. They found some German bread, which they liked very much. Last time my humans and I went sightseeing on the strip we walked from Treasure Island Hotel to Circus Circus. This time my humans decided to walk from Planet Hollywood towards Mandala Bay. We had to walk all the way through Planet Hollywood to get to the strip. There are so many people in these casinos and all these lights and sounds. When you are in there you loose lack of time, don’t know if it is dark outside or sunshine. In Planet Hollywood on the floor where all the shops are, the ceiling is painted like a sky. It l...