
May 02, 2024 - Life is good

Ciao ragazzi, I am 4 months old now and I can tell you, life has been great so far. There is so much out there to discover!  My buddy Mogli is chilled, I can bite him in the neck, in the tail, or any other body parts without him getting angry. Sometimes he gets annoyed because I exaggerate but most of the time he is cool with it. He plays with me, we do small fights, like wrestling and barking competitions. And he taught me how to speak Huskish, or whatever it is they call the Husky language.  Smørrebrød, hej Balu, you know, I am just very patient because you are still a puppy. You should know, I am the boss of this pack, including our humans! Chill brother, I do know that, but I am the cool Italian guy. All the neighbors love me and think I'm cute, even the neighbors who didn't say Ciao to my humans in the past do so now - because of me. Only problem, I have to pee every time I get excited. That's kind of embarrassing, but I can't help it.  It's fun teasing my huma

Ciao tutti!!!! April 1, 2024

Ciao a tutti, io sono Balu. Parlo correntemente italiano, ma i miei nuovi umani non mi capiscono molto. Ora devo imparare il tedesco e l'inglese. Ma siamo in Italia ed è una lingua così bella.  Ok, let's try that in English, I am a fast learner when it comes to languages and not so much when it is about behavior or other things. Ciao tutti, I am Balu. I speak fluent Italian, but my new humans don't really understand me. Now I have to learn German and English. But we're in Italy and it's such a beautiful language. My humans told me that a lot of people are reading this blog and I fear I have big footsteps to fill.  In contrast to Lupo I haven't traveled much. My longest ride was from the refugio in Rome to my new house.  When my humans picked me up I didn't know what to expect, but I seem to have hit it well. Mogli is the best buddy I could have wished for - very patient and smart. Sometimes he wants to be left alone and I try to find out how far I can go wit

March 26, 2024 - The course of life

  Smørrebrød, Smørrebrød; hej, it's me, Mogli. I was born in Sweden but that's about all I know in Swedish. I know, you were wondering if this blog would ever be continued after no new blog entry was made for than two years. Time flew and Lupo and I were busy living "la dolce vita". Well, not all the time, but most of it. We did a couple of excursions though. Have you ever been to Giardino di Ninfa ( This is a beautiful garden with a castello nearby and is pronounced to be the most romantic garden in the world. Unfortunately, we couldn't run free, that would have been a dream, but nevertheless it was beautiful, and we had a lot of newspapers to read. We visited Terracina, the Tempio di Giove Anxur ( and the beach. I love the beach, but I am scared of the water. And we even went on holiday in San Nicola Arcella in Calabria.  In Serrone we attended La festa in onore de

Buffalo farm, herding dogs and living in Serrone - February 9, 2022

After living in Italy for about a month now I can say I love it. The climate is perfect for me and my old bones and whenever the weather is good my humans leave the office door open so that Mogli and I can lie outside on the patio in the sun. We made tours to some towns around here, for example Olevano Romano. And we’ve been to the centro storico of Serrone, our hometown. Boy I can tell you, these roads up there are crazy, steep roads, 25-degree bends and on one side of the road the mountain and on the other side steep gradient.    Smørrebrød, smørrebrød, remtemtemtem, Lupo what are you blogging about? Are you telling our readers about our drive up to the top of Monte Scalambra? Don’t be a fraidy-cat, it's fun driving up there. I wish we could have run around free and chase the wild horses down the hill. I wish I could join one of the paragliders that fly down there. That must be great!     Oh, Mogli you are a diehard! The poor horses - I’m sure they were happy that you c

Our new home – January 4, 2022

  My turn, my turn, my turn! Hej everyone smørrebrød, it’s me, Mogli! Lupo needs a break, he’s getting old. I will blog now!   No, you will not, this is my blog and you can help me once in a while. For now you can go on, but I will have a close eye on you. Don’t blog any nonsense.   Smørrebrød, ok, you are the boss old man. My English is not good. Please be patio with me, no patient. Today we moved into the house. We had to leave öhrli, early in the morning. San Quirico, the town where we move to, is located on a mountain. We drove up-hill for quiet, quite a while. Smørrebrød, tabernac, writing in English is not as easy as I thought. My humans, sorry, our humans, were afraid we wouldn’t make it to San Quirico with the trailer. But we did! We drove by at first, there was no smørrebrød number on the house. This seems to be common in Italy. And if there are numbers on the houses they are not in order. Not all the time I mean.   The landlord, was waiting for us.   Stop! That

Packing? Moving? Italy? – January 03, 2022

We returned from Italy after spending a week. Mogli and I enjoyed running around and meeting new people. Everyone we met was so nice. My humans had a couple of meetings over the days, and it looked like they were happy with what they achieved. Now back in Fachbach they worked a lot for a couple of weeks, sitting in front of these big boxes and stressed. The weather wasn’t very good and Mogli and I weren’t too keen to go for a walk. Once we met the owners of Chloe and Cindy and my owners got the news that Cindy crossed the rainbow bridge. This was sad news. After some weeks my humans started moving around things, bringing more stuff from the storage and packing boxes. All of a sudden ,a lot of packed boxes were everywhere in the apartment. Normally when that happens, we are usually about to move somewhere else but the last time they packed boxes like that we moved from Frankfurt to the USA. Are we going back to Nevada? But no, they did not talk about Nevada or flights, they talked about