Ciao tutti!!!! April 1, 2024

Ciao a tutti, io sono Balu. Parlo correntemente italiano, ma i miei nuovi umani non mi capiscono molto. Ora devo imparare il tedesco e l'inglese. Ma siamo in Italia ed è una lingua così bella. 

Ok, let's try that in English, I am a fast learner when it comes to languages and not so much when it is about behavior or other things.
Ciao tutti, I am Balu. I speak fluent Italian, but my new humans don't really understand me. Now I have to learn German and English. But we're in Italy and it's such a beautiful language. My humans told me that a lot of people are reading this blog and I fear I have big footsteps to fill. 

In contrast to Lupo I haven't traveled much. My longest ride was from the refugio in Rome to my new house. 

When my humans picked me up I didn't know what to expect, but I seem to have hit it well. Mogli is the best buddy I could have wished for - very patient and smart. Sometimes he wants to be left alone and I try to find out how far I can go with teasing him, nipping him and climbing on him. Sometimes he tells me to stop but most of the time he is fine with what I am doing. Only when I try to go to his bowl when we are eating he gets very angry and I accept it and I withdraw but I can't help it and try it again. Yes, you are right, he is the pack leader but I am still small and playful. 

When the weather is nice and it is warm enough for my humans to sit on the table and move their fingers, Mogli and I can roam free outside. That's a great thing. I love digging in the dirt but I am not allowed to. My mistress said she will get a sand bath for me to dig as much as I want. When she cleans the yard I love to play with the water hose and with the water. Water is fun but somehow Mogli does not like it. When the hose is turned on he runs away from it. 

At least once a day we walk to the piazza della chiesa, you know, that place in front of the church. Mogli has problems pooping because I am all over him all the time. My humans let Mogli run in the yard without me to do his business but he doesn't like being without me. Isn't that sweet?
So my mistress comes to the yard too and holds me while Mogli is doing his business. 

Oh and there are other dogs that come by to say hello. That little brown female dog, from across the street. Well, small, she is about the size I am at the moment. And there was Zeus, Tonina's dog, the one that walked the street while barking. Sadly he passed away shortly after I arrived but I was able to say Ciao to him. Zeus has died of old age, he was 13 years old. 
Fabrizio's dog also comes to the door to say Ciao. Luckily the dogs here speak Italian. 

Today I met another dog, a German Shepherd. I don't know much about it, only that it visits the neighbor once in a while.

Mogli says I am a pussy, but I am not. I am only careful and tell people it hurts before they touch me to make sure they don't really hurt me. 

But I need to admit I am a Pleasure Pee dog. Every time I am really excited and happy I pee, I can't help it and I can't stop it. 

Everybody here in that little town loves me, they all stop when they walk by and say "Oh, piccolo tesoro, sei così carino." or something like that. They even come to the door if they are not really heading my way. 
Mmh, right now I am only three months old and my humans told me I will become a big dog. They do not really know which breed I am because my father looks like a mixture of breeds. My mother looks a little like a Border Collie but they are not sure if she is a pure breed or not. I look more like my mother, colorwise, but the coat texture is more like the one my father has. My humans are quite sure that there is a part of pastore maremmano abruzzese (Marmmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog). I don't know anything about this but I know how they look, they are running free around here. Whatever dog breed is in my blood, I am sure my new humans will love me. So far they do behave just the way they should. You know, they think they train me but in verità I train them to do what I want. 

Did you know I am a rich dog? I have five balls, one bone (not a real one) and a little pig that makes noises when I squeeze it with my mouth. I never had a toy before, I used to play with my siblings, but now I own my own toys. 

I can fall asleep within seconds, one second I am playing with my toys and the next second I am asleep. Most of the time I sleep during the entire night just like my humans. 

Now I am tired and need to take a nap. 
Ciao, a presto. 

Il tuo Balu 💙

Ps.: By the way, my humans finally set up the Lupo The Dog With The Blog's YouTube channel and they will be adding more and more videos of Lupo, Mogli and me. 


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