Hi I'm Lupo - a Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd mix and I am traveling with my humans.
My humans are digital nomads and balloon artists and they take me everywhere they go. We had quite some adventures, canoeing with a Voyageur Canoe Brigade on Canada 150, dancing with Natives at a Powwow, looking for pictograms in the Valley of Fire, visit casinos in Las Vegas, stroll in Frankfurt am Main....
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March 27, 2021 – my mistress is an artist and I love her pictures
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All these
pictures I add to my blog or post on my Facebook page are taken by my mistress.
But she only shares the “not so good ones” with me, most of the time. I love
her pictures!
Last year
she made that short video of the Husky farm we stayed at. Now she finally found
the time to finish it to the full length of the song. All the pictures and
videos in this video are made by my mistress and she did everything else too
(except the music).
It gives me
the chills when I watch this. Unfortunately I could never see the dogsled
because I had to wait at home but I know all the dogs personally, played with
some of them and I am part of this video. Some of the dogs in the video crossed
the rainbow bridge.
Maybe you
want to watch it too and let me or my mistress know what you think.
My mistress
loves taking pictures of wildlife and details. She could sit for hours and wait
for something to show up that’s worth taking a picture of. Unfortunately there
weren’t many occasions to do that but she’s planning to have more of them. One
of her dreams is to have a professional camera and got to Yellowstone Park and
take pictures of the wolves and buffalos as well as bold eagles. Taking
pictures of bears and moose in Canada is on her list too. Besides that, there
are many places on this beautiful earth she wants to go to and capture with her
Please support my mistress by liking and following her pages and videos.
pictures are often very special as her focus is a different one. Check out for
Mogli and I
are the object she photographs the most and we sometimes don’t like it
My mistress
took so many pictures over the last years while we were traveling and even before.
She had a camera which broke down during the West Wind Brigade in 2017 for
Canada 105’s and now she uses her iPhone to take the pictures until she has a
new camera.
She will
create a calendar for 2022 to hang on the wall with some of her pictures.
Follow her on Facebook to see when this will be available.
If you are
interested in ordering prints of one of her pictures, please contact her. We
have some prints in our apartment and everybody that sees them is impressed.
Hello and ciao, it's me again. I am growing up and believe it or not, I can jump the couch now and climb the bed! Isn't that awesome? It's getting warmer now and most of the time the door to the terrace is open and I can go outside whenever I like. But I am still not allowed to be in the yard on my own. Really? I don't have a clue why! My people keep telling me that I can't be left alone because I destroy everything. What do they mean by that? Well, I do have to admit that at the beginning I loved chewing on shoes, especially on crocks. They are so soft and you can sink your teeth into it so nicely. It was also fun because my people ran after me and play fetch when I took their shoes and ran around the house. My people didn't like that too much though because the shoes were dripping afterwards. After the shoes I found out that plants taste delicious. My favorite is the olive tree and the orange tree, rosemary and basil aren't bad but the taste is too stro...
My turn, my turn, my turn! Hej everyone smørrebrød, it’s me, Mogli! Lupo needs a break, he’s getting old. I will blog now! No, you will not, this is my blog and you can help me once in a while. For now you can go on, but I will have a close eye on you. Don’t blog any nonsense. Smørrebrød, ok, you are the boss old man. My English is not good. Please be patio with me, no patient. Today we moved into the house. We had to leave öhrli, early in the morning. San Quirico, the town where we move to, is located on a mountain. We drove up-hill for quiet, quite a while. Smørrebrød, tabernac, writing in English is not as easy as I thought. My humans, sorry, our humans, were afraid we wouldn’t make it to San Quirico with the trailer. But we did! We drove by at first, there was no smørrebrød number on the house. This seems to be common in Italy. And if there are numbers on the houses they are not in order. Not all the time I mean. The landlord, was waiting for...
Smørrebrød, Smørrebrød; hej, it's me, Mogli. I was born in Sweden but that's about all I know in Swedish. I know, you were wondering if this blog would ever be continued after no new blog entry was made for than two years. Time flew and Lupo and I were busy living "la dolce vita". Well, not all the time, but most of it. We did a couple of excursions though. Have you ever been to Giardino di Ninfa (https://www.giardinodininfa.eu/)? This is a beautiful garden with a castello nearby and is pronounced to be the most romantic garden in the world. Unfortunately, we couldn't run free, that would have been a dream, but nevertheless it was beautiful, and we had a lot of newspapers to read. We visited Terracina, the Tempio di Giove Anxur (https://comune.terracina.lt.it/contenuti/49704/tempio-giove-anxur) and the beach. I love the beach, but I am scared of the water. And we even went on holiday in San Nicola Arcella in Calabria. In Serrone we attended La festa in onore de...
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