January 10, 2021 – Finally snow, egg cartons and what exactly is a Husky like

 It has been snowing the last couple of days and now there is snow on the mountain. My humans took Mogli and me out there to run in the snow and enjoy. It was so much fun rolling in the snow and just running. Mogli has a different running technique than I have, well what can I say, he’s a Husky.

 Speaking of Husky, I am not sure if you’re aware what it means to have a Husky in the house. Boy, I thought I am stubborn, but Mogli is the most stubborn dog I’ve ever met. My mistress tells him to do something and he’s like “mmmh, let me think ….no …. maybe I will do that next Wednesday but now I am doing something that’s more fun”.  Huskies love to destroy things. Almost all the water containers on the Husky farm were destroyed by the dogs, they chewed on their houses, and one even chewed the power cord of the central light. Luckily nothing happened. Mogli is not that bad, he tried to chew on some things in the beginning, like the bedding or pillows. When we moved to Germany, he stopped that and chewed on my mistress’ scarf or my master’s shoes. Now he has a bag full of old newspapers and he can rip these apart. His favorite are egg cartons. At least once a day he destroys newspapers, and you can find the little pieces all over the place. Sometimes that’s very annoying because I have to lay on the paper on my seat. Oh, you might not know, Mogli and I have leather armchairs, two for the two of us. They are not looking good anymore and the leather is beaten up but hey, who cares, they are comfortable – at least when there is no paper on it.

Next thing you need to know about Huskies – they shed a LOT. There is hair everywhere although my mistress cleans the floor every day and sometimes more than once.

Some Huskies howl. Mogli did that when he was in the kennel with his pack. Since he left the pack he stopped howling. Even when we were in the trailer next to the kennels he did not howl any more. He told me that’s because he left his old live and moves on with his new live. I wouldn’t mind if he would start howling again and I would join him just as I did when we were at the Husky farm. But maybe it’s a good thing he’s not howling any more. Some people here think Mogli is a wolf and if he would howl, even more people would think that.

I told you earlier that Mogli is an Alaskan Husky, this is not a breed but a mixture of different breeds but it’ so old that it could be a breed. They say Alaskan Huskies are like Siberian Huskies on steroids. True, that’s exactly how they are. Mogli is a little calmer and lazier. He is totally comfortable sleeping a lot during the day but if we go outside he’s like “something moved there let me check it out – NOW” – “ Wait, what’s that, that smells good I need to get closer” – “No, don’t move I need to check that thing up in the air, what is it, I’ve never seen something like that before” – “Oh a dog, I NEED to say Hi and introduce myself” – “Master, what’s that on your nose? Let me rescue you and scare that thing away”. If he wants something he can’t get it fast enough.

Mogli is very intelligent, and my humans can teach him a lot of things, he just doesn’t want to repeat that over and over again. After two repetitions he is tired of it and wants to do something else. Even our vet, Dr. Schlimm said that Mogli is very special and an outstanding dog. My humans are thinking of what they can do with Mogli to challenge him not just physical but mentally.

The Huskies at the kennel were fighting over their food and I was worried that Mogli would do the same. On the contrary, we both get our bowls of food and wait for the command of our humans to go to the bowl to eat. My teeth aren’t good anymore, so it takes me a little longer to eat and Mogli waits patiently till I’m done to inspect my bow while I inspect his.

One thing people find funny is Mogli when he jumps. That’s something all Huskies do but people are just not used to see this kind of behavior. He bends his hind legs and jumps up high in the air. He could kiss my master on the cheek when he does that. I was told that they do it to show they are ok when they are in deep snow with their musher. Don’t know if that is correct but I’ve seen a lot of the sled dogs doing it.

 I am a lone wolf and I enjoyed being an only dog. At the beginning when Mogli joined our pack I was jealous and not amused but now I like it. I wouldn’t say I love it but it’s nice to have a buddy and we cuddle sometimes, and we play every day. It would have been different if my humans would have gotten a puppy to join the pack – too much trouble with a puppy in my opinion. They are annoying and never let you sleep. With Mogli it’s easier he lets me sleep most of the time. My humans are the problem sometimes. I want to go to bed around 10pm and I want to go to my place next to their bed and they need to be in their bed. But there are days when they don’t understand that it’s bedtime and even if I am telling them over and over again, they won’t go. They can be stubborn too, maybe Mogli and I are in the pack where we really belong, and I love my pack.


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