August 14, 2020 – ducks, swans and more

We have been in Fachbach for almost a month now. I am comfortable wherever we are as long as my humans are with me, I have a place to sleep and get my food.

Mogli on the other hand is not used to all that. Remember, he lived half wild in a kennel with other dogs until a couple of months ago.

 My humans take us for walks on the shore of the river Lahn. There are plenty of ducks, geese, swans and other birds. Let’s say it that way, there is a lot of air traffic in that area. While we read our newspaper and do our business Mogli just stops and looks in the sky. He watches all these birds flying over him and making a lot of noises. You know how it sounds if ducks fly over you and make quack, quack, don’t you?

The most interesting thing to see is a swan taking off. All you can hear is the noise when the wings touch the water and after some meters, a lot of meters, it finally takes off. You can see that here a lot, same thing with geese and ducks taking off.

Sometimes you can see ducks and falcons or other raptors fighting in the air. That’s nothing new for me. I have seen bald eagles and blue herons, which was way more impressive than ducks, swans or geese. Ok, I have seen a lot of Canada Geese flying over and one day they stayed overnight close to us, and you could hear them all night.

 Besides all the flying creatures we sometimes see nutrias (coypus). They look a little bit like a rat. Well, it is a kind of rat, a beaver rat. They live in burrows alongside stretches of water, above water level. They eat river plant stems. People like them for their fur and my mistress told me there used to be farms that bred them to get the fur. They can get quite big; a nutria can weigh up to 16 kg/35 lb. We saw a really big one the other day. They are bigger than a Chihuahua.

 They don’t smell too good that’s why I stay away from them. Mogli wanted to say Hi but the nutria ran away when he came close.


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