June 20, 2020 – Moving again

Our time here in Burg is over and Michael the owner of the flat will move back in. Mogli, my humans and I are moving to Bavaria now, to a little town called Unterfeldbrecht with about 100 people living there.

Instead of going by train my humans rented a car to go there.

We left early in the morning and first we had to take the ferry to cross the Nord-Ostsee Kanal. On the Autobahn was a traffic jam and it took us about 4 hours to drive 50 kilometers/31 miles. The reason was a construction area. As we had air conditioning in the car and plenty of room Mogli and I were fine with this. We slept most of the time.

Because of the many construction areas our trip took almost double the time it would have taken without it. We arrived in Unterfeldbrecht at midnight.


You might wonder what we are doing in a small town like Unterfeldbrecht. I will explain it to you.


What my humans are doing is they go to a place where they work and can live for free. Sometimes they get food, sometimes they do their own groceries but you always get free accommodation.

That’s what my humans did in Swedish Lapland, they helped on the farm for accommodation in the camper and food.

This time it was something completely different they had to do. The house we went to belongs to Josef, his mom and his sisters. Josef is handicapped and is in an electric wheelchair. He needs help with some things and my humans were the ones to help him beside his family.

Josef and his family are very friendly people. We sleep in a nice room and have a big kitchen and another room we can use. Of course I do not use the kitchen, but my humans do.

Unterfeldbrecht is a small town not far from Nuremberg in Mittelfranken, a part of Bavaria. This is a very old town; it was mentioned first in 1312.

The house is an old farm and there are a lot of fields around the house. The neighbor breeds Rotwild (red deer) and there were deer in the wild too. We saw them on the first walk we made there. Another first for Mogli and he couldn’t understand that he could not play with the red deer, geese, chicken and all the other animals.


We had a great night and in the morning we met everybody. That electrical wheelchair is really fast!




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