June 15, 2020 – Nord-Ostsee Kanal

It was a beautiful day today, the sun was shining and it wasn’t too hot. My humans decided to walk to the Nord-Ostsee Kanal, the channel that connects the North Sea to the Baltic Sea, where all the big ships that are made in Kiel have to pass to go to the open sea, cruise ships like Queen Mary II or other ships of all sizes.

After we walked through the town of Burg we walked a small path to the channel. It was beautiful, so many things to smell.

My mistress had a backpack with a snack for my master and her as well as some treats and water for Mogli and me. Mogli was very excited but he enjoyed it very much, so did I.

When we arrived at the channel we saw a small ferry that crossed the channel because there was no bridge. My mistress told me that a bridge wouldn’t make sense, as the big ships that use that channel are very high. Makes sense to me.

The humans sat down at a picnic table and Mogli and I relaxed in the grass. We watched the ships go by and shortly before we left a bigger container ship was passing. Wow, that’s impressive as the channel isn’t that wide. My mistress told me that there is hardly any room left and right when one of the big cruise ships is using the channel.


I love traveling because I can see places and experience things I would have never been able to see if we weren’t traveling that much.

So if you ever come to Schleswig-Holstein try to visit the Nord-Ostsee Kanal and look at the schedule if one of the big ships will use the channel.


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