June 10, 2020 – A lot of new impressions and a coincidence (I don’t believe in coincidences)

If you follow my blog you know that Mogli was living on a Husky farm in Swedish Lapland and that my humans adopted him. In Lapland Mogli used to live in a kennel with other dogs. This is where he was born and where he grew up. So he can survive in the winter living in a kennel but he has no experience with other things. Let me explain to you.

First at all Mogli has never seen a cat before we arrived in Germany. Now all of a sudden there were cats everywhere on the streets in Burg. He didn’t know what to do with them and tried to play and say Hi but the cats didn’t appreciate his behavior and hissed at him.

In Germany in some towns people collect plastic garbage in yellow plastic bags. They put them on the street on the evening before they will be picked up. Of course these plastic bags make noises when the wind blows. Mogli was scared of these bags at first but he experienced that they don’t jump on him and that I was cool with them.

Mogli knows dogs, dogs in a kennel but not on a leash walking their humans. This was a new thing for him too, to learn he couldn’t play with all the dogs he meets.

So many things that are normal for me are an adventure for him, as he never experienced something like that.

I remember when we were in Lapland and he just joined our team my mistress listened to some music. Mogli wondered where that noise came from and was very curious. Not it is routine for him.

Here in Germany there are so many new things that he is overwhelmed sometimes. He gets better and better every day and isn’t stressed any more when he walks with my humans unless there is something new again. He starts whining and jumping and gets nervous.


When we walked through Burg on one of our first days here my humans discovered a shop called “Alaska Store”. They sell stuff you need for dogsledding. Isn’t that weird? We just arrived from a Husky farm in Swedish Lapland where they offer dogsledding tours and right after we arrive in Germany there is a store that sells dogsledding equipment in a town with 4,000 people living there.

My humans took Mogli and me there and bought dog food for us. The food is called Icepaw and is made out of fish. I love that food – I have to admit my breath stinks a little bit but the food is so good. Mogli loves it too. What we like even more it the treats made out of fish skin. They are like crackers when I bite into them. The owner of the shop is a former musher and he developed the dog food.

My humans decided to purchase this food whenever we can get it shipped after we leave Burg. For now we are able to walk to the shop and buy it.




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