June 1, 2020 – New name

As my humans work a lot on their software I can nap a lot. They go for a walk with Forrest and me a couple of times a day. Sometimes short walks and sometimes long ones.

Forrest fell in love with Tina, a Yorkshire terrier lady. I know, she is way too small for him but what can you do about falling in love? So every time we walk past her house he is excited and looking for her everywhere. If she is outside she barks at him and tells him to stay away. Poor Forrest he is frustrated.

On our walks we pass a pony, goats and a lot of cows. Forrest has never seen any of these animals before and he was very brave when he first saw them.

It was still very cold in Lapland when we left and Forrest and I still have winter fur. Now with the warmer weather we change our fur and loose a lot of hair. My mistress has a special tool to get rid of the old hair and when we go for a walk she takes it with her to comb our hair. I am used to it and although I don’t like it too much know that I feel way better after she combed my fur. Forrest doesn’t like that at all. He tries to escape, twists and turns, to not be combed but there is no chance, his fur needs to be combed.


My humans never liked the name Forrest for my buddy. Forrest, like in Forrest Gump, you know, that movie with Tom Hanks, loves to run and he runs a lot. My buddy Forrest on the other side doesn’t like running too much. That’s the reason he could be with us, remember – he fell asleep on the trail! Not the way a Husky usually behaves.

My humans were looking for another name for Forrest but none of all the names they thought of were perfect for him.

Then, one day, my mistress had an idea. Mogli, like that boy in the Disney movie Jungle Book, that’s the perfect name for my buddy Forrest. Just like in the movie a wolf raised my buddy. Ok, Kosta, who raised my buddy is a wolf hybrid and only 75% wolf but 75% wolf is more than 25% dog and that’s why he is a wolf to me. Forrest liked his new name and listens to it. Seems like he didn’t like Forrest either. The children here in Burg kept asking my humans if Mogli is a wolf, so Nomen est Omen (the name is an omen).

From now on Forrest is Mogli!




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