May 3, 2020 - Sweden is different

It’s the beginning of May and there is still snow outside and it's cold.the humans still wear winter jackets. And it still snows sometimes. And in the night it doesn't get dark.
Although I love snow I think it's about time to have spring and warmer temperatures. On the other hand, that would mean the mosquitos come out and just like in Canada they do have a lot of mosquitos here.
It is weird when it doesn't get dark in the night. I mean really dark, so dark that humans can't see without a light and where you could see northern lights. By the way, did I tell you I saw northern lights? They are so beautiful! Green lights with a little bit of red and yellow moving on the dark sky.
It was very peaceful and my humans loved it too.
Now with the sun shining in the middle of the night you can't see any northern lights. Instead you hear the birds singing.
The Sami gather the reindeers to bring them up the mountains. The Sami are the Indigenous people that live here. That's why Forrest and I are not allowed to run around any more. No, not because of the reindeer but because there are a lot of predators around. The hunters shoot the predators and they would shoot Forrest or me if they saw us running around. There are wolves, foxes, bears, wolverines, lynx and god know what else around here. I can smell some of them.
Good thing the camper has blinds and it’s a little darker inside.
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