April 19, 2020 -Poor Forrest

Forrest and I get along very good. During the day we both nap on the bed, wait in the kennel for the humans to come back to the camper or play outside in the snow.
The humans go for walks with us and train Forrest to go on the leash and follow commands. It's easier for him because I show him how to do it.

Today Forrest had to go to the vet to get his vaccines. I couldn't come along but they told me everything about it. Forrest hadn't been in a car too many times and he loved looking out the window. When they arrived at the vet they had to wait a little bit. Forrest was scared, this was an unusual situation for him. The vet is a very nice woman from Germany. When she wanted to pet Forrest he was very shy. My humans took him to the examination room where he got his shots. Afterwards she wanted to give him a treat. Normally he Forrest gets a treat he can't wait and wants to have it immediately. Now he crawled over to the vet, very carefully. The doctor told my humans that they have to be aware that Forrest is a Husky after all. But when she saw Forrest crawling on the floor and heard the story about falling asleep on the trail and crawling into bed instead of jumping in she agreed with my humans that he is not a typical Husky.

When they came home Forrest was very tired. There is so much more for him to experience in this world.


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