January 27, 2020 - We are traveling again, yeah!

Not much happening in the beginning of the new year. My humans and I had to leave the house of Mrs B as there was some trouble of who can decide if we can stay there or not, My humans were tired of that and after some friends of Mrs B (well, they said they were friends but Mrs B never talked to my humans after she left in December) threatened my humans that they would tell the police we are in the house illegal, although my humans had an oral agreement and the company that inherited one half of the house (not legalized yet) gave it in written that we could stay until the end of February and so we moved out of the house.
I don't know anything about these things but I didn't like the house too much, it had a moldy smell and the church bells hurt my ears. My humans seemed to be depressed in the house and I can feel that but can't do much to help.

My humans thought about going to Tim’s house in Northern Ontario because Tim urgently needs help with the organization of the brigade for this year. Unfortunately my humans were lacking some more money to purchase the tickets.
I would have loved to go to Canada although I do prefer the desert. Going back to Pahrump or even Las Vegas would have been great. I love lying in the sun in the desert and there are no ticks.

Instead of going to Canada my humans and I are traveling to Swedish Lapland again. Marianne and Wolf could need some help on the Husky Farm. We are on our way now. Last night the ferry took us from Rostock to Trelleborg in Sweden. On the train from Frankfurt to Rostock we met some nice people. This time my humans had booked a train that went nonstop and it was way more relaxing than last time.
My humans booked a cabin on the ferry and I got my dog bed again. You cannot imagine how comfortable that was. Now we are on the train from ii to Stockholm. When we arrived in Trelleborg we took the first train to f as Trelleborg has a very small station with a cold waiting area. We had to wait a couple of hours in Malmö and my mistress managed to get an earlier train to Stockholm as changing trains in Stockholm was a race against the clock. The station in Stockholm is huge and last time the train to Stockholm was a little delayed so we had to run to catch the next train. With he rebooking we have 1.5 hours now to go from A to B.
In Malmö my humans had an early lunch. They had a pizza at a place called Spazio (http://spazio.nu) in the food area of Central Station Malmö. My humans said that was the best pizza they had for a long time. I have to say, I totally agree with that. How do I know? Well, I am an expert when it comes to tasting human food. My mistress is not very keen on eating the pizza crust and so I get a small piece, at least most of the time. Today was my lucky day and I got 4 small pieces of the crust. That was yummy, I would have eaten all the crust if they would have let me. Maybe I should beg next time but my mistress doesn't like me begging. What a dilemma, now I have to choose between pizza crust and being obedient to my mistress. How would you decide? This pizza was worth risking everything though but I never know before I got a piece to try for myself. You just can't rely on the taste of your humans because sometimes they eat things I would NEVER eat. Let me overthink that - thinks I would never eat unless I’m starving.
To make a long story short, if you are ever at Central Station in Malmö, Sweden check out this place called Spazio.

So here I am sitting on the train to Stockholm and I am telling my mistress what to write for that blog. You do remember I am a dog and can’t type with my paws, don’t you?
We do have some. Ore hours of traveling ahead of us including a night on the Polar Circle Train. Don’t get a wrong impression now, that train is not at all like the Polar Express in that movie with Tom Hanks. No, don’t you even think about wondering how I happen to know who Tom Hanks is!
I will tell you more about that train in my next blog.


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