January 2, 2020 – I hate fireworks and is that beam holding up?

Really, do you humans have to have fireworks for New Years Eve? What is that hype about New Years Eve anyways, it’s just another day just like any other. Special days are days when I can experience a new hiking path, get a new toy, or go to any special place like a restaurant, a National Park or visit another dog. Besides that there is nothing interesting in days.
So please explain to my why you have fireworks on a not so special day? My mistress tried to explain to me that this New Years Eve is the change from one year to another and that the original purpose was to scare away the bad ghosts of winter. First at all, what is a calendar – is that something to eat or does is smell good? In this case it would be interesting for me but otherwise I don’t care what it is.
Do you have any idea how loud a firework is for the ears of a dog? Dogs can hear more frequencies and we can hear sound four times farther away than humans. You might know that sound is caused by air vibrations. I can even hear noises you can’t hear. Now imagine the sound of a firework rocket – I can hear more than you do and in case of a firework I can hear way more firework rockets launching the sky than you do. That’s scary. I don’t know what a firework does or what it is; all I do is hear the banging and exploding.

Ok, I survived New Years Eve. Thanks to my humans who comforted me and assured me everything is fine and it’s just a normal day with a not so normal firework. Fortunately it wasn’t so bad where we live right now. I remember it was worse when we lived in Frankfurt. Fireworks on New Years Eve there meant it started on December 29 and on New Years Eve they had fireworks nonstop for hours. You couldn’t see far because of all the smoke everywhere.

Yesterday was a relaxing day; my humans worked half a day and retired early. Today they worked on their weird computers when my mistress heard a noise like a mouse when it is scratching somewhere while sitting in the wall. My mistress got suspicious and walked into the other room to see if something happened there. Remember, they put the pillar under the beam to hold it up. And there it was, a crack in the ceiling that hasn’t been there before. Well, now it’s time to get worried. The ceiling is lowering and my humans have to take care to not hit the ceiling with their heads. No my humans are no giants, it’s just that the ceiling is low anyways because it’s an old house and with the ceiling lowering even my humans are too tall for that.
It’s about time they find another place to stay for us before the ceiling collapses completely. To be honest, I am getting scared slowly but surely. What if that beam and the ceiling collapses while my humans walk underneath?


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