December 22, 2019 - Does it hold up?

Remember I told you we are currently living in that nice, small and old house of Mrs. B’s? Well, yesterday my humans discovered that the beam in that one room is about to break completely. A little while ago before we moved in here the roof was leaking and it got wet on top of the ceiling. Actually there was a big puddle there and at one point all the water came through the ceiling. That’s what Mrs. B told us. Somebody installed a board to hold up the ceiling. The beam cracked but was holding up. That seemed to solve the problem.
For the last couple of days we could hear cracking and my humans and I thought that’s mice building a nest or looking for food. Yesterday my humans noticed that the ceiling had opened on one side of the room. It was already late in the evening and all shops were closed so they couldn’t do anything. Today, first thing in the morning, they got a pillar from the hardware store to keep the beam from collapsing completely. Fortunately we don’t live in that room. My humans just have to pass it to go to the toilet and the shower. They aren’t that worried any more as the pillar holds up the beam and nothing is cracking anymore.
Right now there is no other place we could go. My humans are working on a solution but it’s hard to find an alternative shortly before Christmas and New Years Eve they say.
If you would ask me I would say go back to the USA or to Canada – the sooner the better because there I can run around and the dogs are way friendlier there. Also, it rains too much here and in Nevada the sun shines almost every day and in Canada, Ontario they do have snow right now and sunshine. Unfortunately nobody asks me.


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