November 7, 2019 - Are we traveling again?

The last couple of days were quiet, my humans worked on projects like the web site for the FlyHuLodge, the husky farm we just visited in Swedish Lapland.
In the afternoon we went to Peter‘s mother’s house. When we arrived there were packed suitcases in the hallway. My master packed the suitcases in the car and we all left to Frankfurt Airport.
Frankfurt, Airport - that‘s where we left when we went to the USA or Canada. Are we traveling again? Did I miss something?
The humans lined up in front of a check in counter along with other people. When it was our turn Peter‘s mother was checked in.
Bummer, I hoped we would travel again, maybe back to the desert in Pahrump or maybe to Canada. Instead my humans and I left and returned home.
I can‘t tell you how disappointed I am. I really miss traveling. Meeting new people, see new places, smell unknown things, that‘s so exiting. We‘ve been here in Germany for four months now and it starts getting boring.
Maybe I have to talk to my mistress about leaving again, I am sure she does agree with me.


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