December 8, 2019 - Christmas Market and a small reunion

It‘s Jeanette‘s birthday today. You might ask yourself now: „who the heck is Jeanette?“. Jeanette is an old friend of my humans. They have been friends for more than 40 years now. They haven‘t seen each other for almost exactly four years. Jeanette lives in the Netherlands but on her birthday she visited her dad in Germany. While there was Christmas Market on that weekend she suggested meeting at the Christmas Market with my humans and some other „old“ friends.
Andi {short for Andrea), Ulrike and Marc came too. A reunion after a couple of years. My humans hadn‘t seen Andi for almost 35 years but they stayed in contact over the Internet.

Christmas Market might be fun for humans but not so much for me. There was food stands everywhere and I did not get anything! My humans had Bratwurst and Crepes with Nutella and Glühwein. Do you think they gave me a bite of that? WRONG, I didn’t get a single bite to at least try it. Instead it was raining, actually it was pouring. If you followed my blog for a while you know that I hate rain. My fur was all wet and it was windy. So as a nice gift to my mistress I leaned on her leg with my wet fur but she didn’t seem to even notice. Maybe she was sidetracked? I tell you when I came home that night I rubbed my fur pretty good on the carpet to get it all tried up.

There was a merry go round at the Christmas Market. It was only for children but somehow Andi managed to get Jeanette on the merry go round for one ride, as it was her birthday. Jeanette had a lot of fun and so had everybody else watching her. Tell me what’s the sense of sitting on a plastic horse on a merry go round and go in circles without getting anywhere? Seems to me that humans are strange in some ways.

Well, the humans had a lot of fun, talking about old times and what they did back then and who else was in that group of friends in the good old times. My mistress and my master had a good time and that’s what counts for me.

Irmi, Andi’s mom took us to the train station when we left. Thank you Irmi, it was raining so hard and I know I am a little stinky when I am wet. I do apologize for that.


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