June 3, 2019 – Meeting two close family members

Today was a big day for my mistress we met two very close family members she hadn’t seen for almost two years.
They came to Peter’s moms house because my mistress thought I would be very happy when I see them again. At first I couldn’t really remember. I could feel I knew them but their smell was different. After a couple of minutes I remembered and I was very, very happy to see them. We went to a café in Oberursel to sit and talk, well the humans talked I cuddled, my kind of language. They talked for a while and I just enjoyed being with all of them.
My mistress was very happy to see them again and would have loved to spend even more time together. She missed them a lot while we were gone. I could feel her emotions very clearly and she needed me a lot to help with her overwhelming emotions.
I love being with family and hope to see them more often.


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