June 11, 2019 – Toddlers smell good!
Today I met a new family member, my mistress’ nephew. He is not a new born any more but one year old. My mistress has only seen pictures of him so far because he is in Germany and we were overseas. She was very exited to meet some of her family again, hasn’t seen them for a long time.
We all met at the Gimbacher Hof in Kelkheim/Taunus (https://www.hof-gimbach.de/
). Gimbacher Hof is a Gartenwirtschaft, American’s would maybe call it a beer garden but that would not be correct. Beer garden is a phrase originally from Bavaria, one part of Germany. This is where you get beer and traditional Bavarian food. Gartenwirtschaft, garden inn would be more correct. They serve food from Hesse (another part of Germany) with Apfelwein – apple wine. No, not Apple Cider – Apple Cider is sweeter whereas Apfelwein tastes rougher. Apple Cider has about 2% alcohol and Apfelwein about 5-7% alcohol. Some people drink Apfelwein pure or either mixed with sparkling water or sparkling lemon water. If you drink too much of Apfelwein you feel very, very sick as you have never experienced because of all the acid in the Apfelwein.
Apfelwein is very famous here in Frankfurt. There are Apple Wine Inns here. These Inns are very special. Like in the Hofbrauhaus you sit on long tables with benches or chairs. When you go there you don’t have a table on your own, you share it with other guests. The food in Apple Wine Inns is typically Frankfurt. Note: I am talking about Frankfurt am Main, the river Main. There is another Frankfurt in Germany in the east of Germany. So in Frankfurt am Main they serve special dishes like Green Sauce (remember I told you about that before). You will find marinated sour milk cheese with music for example. Music is the onions, because humans fart when they ate raw onions with the marinade. Also you find cooked spare ribs with mashed potatoes and Sauerkraut, potato pancakes with applesauce and more.
Oh, I am so sorry, I talk too much about food. Might be because I love human food. Ok, back to the Gimbacher Hof, it is a Gartenwirtschaft in the middle of a beautiful landscape. They do have a farm too and use their products to make their food. For the children they have a playground and if the weather is bad you can sit inside. There are horses, goats and other animals. In the afternoon people eat cake and drink coffee after they hiked a little bit.
My mistress’ little nephew loved playing at the playground. He is still very small so my mistress’ sister or somebody else had to look after him. What a cute little toddler.
We stayed for a couple of hours and in between either my mistress or my master took me for a short walk. I enjoyed being with family, they are all very nice and my humans don’t see their family too often.
Did you know that babies and toddlers smell very good?

We all met at the Gimbacher Hof in Kelkheim/Taunus (https://www.hof-gimbach.de/
). Gimbacher Hof is a Gartenwirtschaft, American’s would maybe call it a beer garden but that would not be correct. Beer garden is a phrase originally from Bavaria, one part of Germany. This is where you get beer and traditional Bavarian food. Gartenwirtschaft, garden inn would be more correct. They serve food from Hesse (another part of Germany) with Apfelwein – apple wine. No, not Apple Cider – Apple Cider is sweeter whereas Apfelwein tastes rougher. Apple Cider has about 2% alcohol and Apfelwein about 5-7% alcohol. Some people drink Apfelwein pure or either mixed with sparkling water or sparkling lemon water. If you drink too much of Apfelwein you feel very, very sick as you have never experienced because of all the acid in the Apfelwein.
Apfelwein is very famous here in Frankfurt. There are Apple Wine Inns here. These Inns are very special. Like in the Hofbrauhaus you sit on long tables with benches or chairs. When you go there you don’t have a table on your own, you share it with other guests. The food in Apple Wine Inns is typically Frankfurt. Note: I am talking about Frankfurt am Main, the river Main. There is another Frankfurt in Germany in the east of Germany. So in Frankfurt am Main they serve special dishes like Green Sauce (remember I told you about that before). You will find marinated sour milk cheese with music for example. Music is the onions, because humans fart when they ate raw onions with the marinade. Also you find cooked spare ribs with mashed potatoes and Sauerkraut, potato pancakes with applesauce and more.
Oh, I am so sorry, I talk too much about food. Might be because I love human food. Ok, back to the Gimbacher Hof, it is a Gartenwirtschaft in the middle of a beautiful landscape. They do have a farm too and use their products to make their food. For the children they have a playground and if the weather is bad you can sit inside. There are horses, goats and other animals. In the afternoon people eat cake and drink coffee after they hiked a little bit.
My mistress’ little nephew loved playing at the playground. He is still very small so my mistress’ sister or somebody else had to look after him. What a cute little toddler.
We stayed for a couple of hours and in between either my mistress or my master took me for a short walk. I enjoyed being with family, they are all very nice and my humans don’t see their family too often.
Did you know that babies and toddlers smell very good?
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