July 25 – R.I.P. young stranger

Later this afternoon my master went for a walk with me. When we left the house there was something strange. There was a tarp on the left, right in front of the house. There were policemen too. I could smell a person underneath the tarp. When we came back from the walk we couldn’t go into the house. The police closed off the area around the entrance to the house. It took almost an hour until we were allowed to go back into the house.
While we were waiting a young man arrived and he was trying to go in to the house. He was desperately looking for something or somebody. The police talked to him and he explained that he got a text message on his phone from a friend. The police asked him about the name of the person that sent the message and the birth date. After the young man answered the police officer told him that his friend had just committed suicide. He jumped from the apartment tower. The young man that was looking for his friend broke down and cried.

Why would somebody do this, why does somebody commit suicide? They must either be very sad, very frustrated or very desperate. Why is that so? Being alive should be a good thing. And if somebody really thinks about committing suicide he or she should get help. People should talk to each other and care for each other. What is wrong with this world? I noticed that most of the human beings don’t see the good things in life any more. They don’t see the blooming flowers in all their beauty; don’t see the breathtaking sunset or the beauty of a bird while it is flying. Humans are too focused on what they have to do because the community sets a standard. People wear headphones while they walk somewhere or sit in the train, subway or bus. Nobody talks, nobody laughs and they all look very frustrated and unhappy.
All life is about is making career, making a lot of money and own big and impressive cars and houses. If you don’t have that you are not worth anything. Another thing I noticed is that people from other countries or skin color are treated differently, not as friendly. In the USA it wasn’t that bad, people were way friendlier and seemed to be happier although they might not have had much money. Is it something that’s specific for Germans?

Please, if you read this, do me a favor. One day, just one day, try to be friendly, open hearted and smile. Look for beautiful things around you, make compliments when you see someone you like. Stop and have a closer look at the butterfly on the rose. Try to remember how you felt doing that. Maybe you do that more than once.

R.I.P. young stranger and God bless your soul.


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