July 10, 2019 – I learn Japanese now

After leaving my mom’s house we moved back to Frankfurt. My humans found a room in an apartment where we live now. Our new landlord is Japanese. We live in an apartment tower, which is strange for me, but I get used to it.
Our landlord talks to me in Japanese and she tries to teach me. I do understand some of the things she says but most of it I don’t.
Never the less it is fun hearing that language.
The room we live in is quite small and during the day we have to put the mattress aside so my mistress can work on her laptop. My master sits on a tiny desk because his computer is so big.
My humans and I are happy to be here and don’t mind tiny rooms. As soon as my master finds a new job we will find an apartment on our own. But as long as we do not know where his job will be it does not make sense to rent an apartment just to move out again soon.

Instead of walking along the Rhine we walk along the Main now and not far from here the both rivers meet.

Our landlord lives with us in the same apartment. Most of the time she is gone teaching Japanese to other people. Right now she is in pain because something is wrong with her back. My mistress accompanied her to some doctor’s appointments to make sure there is no language barrier and my master arranged an appointment with another doctor that’s specialized on this kind of pain.
I don’t know much about what’s wrong with her but I can see and smell that she has a lot of pain. If only they would find a treatment soon to get rid of the pain.

Professional Reader
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NetGalleyDE Challenge 2019
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