May 28, 2019 – Green stuff, no Green Sauce

I have to tell you about this, my humans are crazy. Today they had something for dinner called “Gruene Sauce” in English Green Gravy.
At first when my mistress started to prepare that I thought she is preparing a meal for a horse or a cow. Everything was stuff you can find on a lawn. But when she started washing, cutting and blending it I wondered which horse or cow would eat it like that. Before I continue let me tell you the ingredients: parsley, chive, chervil, cress, burnet, sorrel and borage. After it was in the blender it looked like mush and my mistress added yoghurt, mustard, hardboiled eggs, pepper and salt. I am fine with the eggs and the yoghurt but all the other stuff – NO THANK YOU! I think this was the first time I did not want to have some of my human’s food. They had it together with potatoes in the skin. You should have heard them; they were like in seventh heaven and liked it so much.
They could tell by my face that I thought that’s disgusting. So they tried to explain that this is a typical dish from Frankfurt am Main. It is very famous here and they only grow it here in Frankfurt. It is called Frankfurter Gruene Sauce – Green Gravy from Frankfurt or in Frankfurt slang: Frankforder Grie Sooss. People from here say it’s delicious and sometimes people eat it with cooked beef brisket. Typically people here eat that on Gruendonnerstag, Thursday before Eastern.
My master had some blood sausage with it, that smelled very good but he kept it all for himself.

Seriously, there are more people eating that green stuff? Why buy it in a supermarket just pick it yourself. Ok maybe that’s a little too much. Just stay away from me with that. Maybe give a little yoghurt on my food and add an egg – that’s fine with me.

But look for yourself – would you eat something like that?


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