May 23, 2019 – Hello Germany

After we landed in Frankfurt, picked up all our suitcases we were picked up by Peter’s mom. My mistress and I did not fit in the car and so my master went with his mom and came back to pick us up.
My humans were very tired; they couldn’t sleep on the airplane although it was dark and somehow in the middle of the night, well at least in Germany, not for us. I was the only one that had a lot of sleep in the airplane, might have been because I had room to lie down and stretch my legs.

Karin made something to eat for my humans. They call it Spargel (white asparagus) but I didn’t like the smell of it but I did like the smell of the ham and Schinken that was served with it. As usual I didn’t get anything to eat from the good stuff. Instead my humans bought some dog food at the groceries, I didn’t like it too much and it made me, excuse my language, fart a lot. Somehow the faces of my humans always turned green when I did that, I didn’t thing it was that bad.

My humans decided to stay awake until the evening to get over the Jetlag as fast as possible. In the evening we went for a long walk in the fields.
After coming from the desert all that green looked unfamiliar but I recognized the smell. I ran around a lot and marked my territory quite a lot. I don’t know the other dogs around here but they do have to know that Lupo The Dog With The Blog, Lupo that traveled thousands of miles/km in the last couple of years was here.


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