May 22/23, 2019 – Leaving Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States of America

All good things come to an end sooner or later. Yesterday my humans had an appointment at the IRS to apply for the ITIN. Don’t ask me what the IRS means or an ITIN. Of what I heard most of the people here hate the IRS and don’t like going there but I did not have the feeling my humans did not want to go there. They were even happy when we left the building. They tried to explain to me what the ITIN is but I did not understand, just that getting this would be important to be able to go back to the USA and be able to live and work here. In this case I am all for getting this thing.

After being at the IRS my humans continued packing all our stuff. Some of it is already at Ken’s house as we don’t need it for now and worst case it could be send via cargo. But there is so much more left that needs to be taken to Germany. Some other things will be donated to whoever wants or needs it in the apartment building and if nobody wants it, it will be tossed. My mistress spent hours to pack that one suitcase, it was either too heavy or would not shut. Boy am I glad I didn’t have to take care of that and could sleep while my humans were dealing with the suitcases till the middle of the night.

This morning my humans got up really, really early and started sorting all the rest that couldn’t be sorted the night before and clean the apartment. Whatever my master took downstairs to donate was gone within minutes. Well, an almost brand new water boiler, toaster, …., and some people had just moved in and were in need of these things. After a while everything was empty, clean and tidy, the suitcases were at the entrance hall downstairs, my mistress had called the Uber to go to the airport and we had to say goodbye. Goodbye Honey, my little dog friend, the 14 year old Chihuahua, goodbye Marco, that little dog that was too afraid to play with me but was curious when he saw me, goodbye all you other dogs at the Rubix. I will miss you! Goodbye all you friendly and kind neighbors at the Rubix. Goodbye to the two maintenance men that took care of the repairs. Goodbye Roxann, Suzan and Trent – the people that are taking care of all the humans and everything else in the Rubix, you were so very friendly and helpful. We will miss you.

When the Uber driver arrived my master took care of all the luggage, it hardly fit into the van. How on earth will all that fit in the airplane? After one last pee on the parking lot we drove off to the airport. At the airport my humans and I went to the check-in. Las Vegas was sad that we had to leave, it was raining and a thunderstorm was approaching. I am very sad we have to leave and I think so are my humans. They like it here A LOT. My mistress said if we stay without permission we would be illegal aliens and would have to live in fear to be deported if they catch us. Therefore my humans do everything to live and work legally in the USA. Would the deport dogs too? No, not an option, let’s go the legal way.
Three years ago when we had to leave for Germany from Las Vegas Airport I couldn’t overhear that one of the staff at the airport offered my humans that there would be a way to get papers and be able to stay. Not the official way of course. My humans refused because they want everything to be correct and not have to worry about the law or police.

At the check in that nice agent, sorry I forgot your name but you were very friendly, took care of the bags. My mistress had to unpack some things out of one of the suitcases and put it in an additional bag. Luckily my mistress brought a spare bag for that occasion. Well, she worked at the airport in Frankfurt for a couple of years and should know that stuff.
Can you imagine, they took the big suitcases and they went somewhere on a belt. Hey, that’s all our stuff in there, take good care of it and make sure we will see it again in Frankfurt. My master’s computer is in one of the suitcases and he can’t work without it. I just hope everything goes well with our things.

After we left the Check-In my humans sat at one of the resting areas and had a little snack. I got some treats too. Did I mention that I did not get dinner last night? They said it’s for my own good, as I have to be in the airplane for a long time. But I was hungry and skipping a meal is never something I like.

My humans did not stay long and when I came back from a short stroll with my mistress (she wanted me to pee and I respected her wish) we went through passport control and security control. There were a couple of electronic devices in one of the carry on bags and they had to take everything out of the bag and have it scanned. They even had to put off their shoes! Good thing I don’t wear shoes. My master had to go through that big scanner where you stand with your hands in the air. Because of me my mistress had to go through a different one. She went through it with me and it beeped. Well yeah, there is metal on my harness and my leash. So my mistress and I went back in front of that scanner. She made me wait while she walked through it. Nothing happened when she went through. Then she called me and went through the scanner and it beeped again. The officer checked if there is something underneath my harness and somebody else made a drug test on my mistress’ hands. But everything was fine and we were good to go to the gate. On the way to the gate my mistress found a sign with a dog on it.
She said that’s a dog relief area and that we will go there for me to pee one last time before boarding the airplane. A dog relief area IN the airport? IN the security area? Never heard about something like that but I am the last to complain. When my mistress opened the door we saw a small area with fake grass and a hydrant, almost like the dog relief area at the Rubix but way smaller. After reading the local news I could not resist and peed at the hydrant. I don’t know what it is with hydrants but it seems like they tell us dogs: “Come pee at me, I am waiting for it”.

We went to the gate for the flight and had to wait a bit until boarding started. Finally the crew arrived. I met them earlier at the security control and they were very nice.
My mistress reserved two seats in the middle of a row; she actually reserved the two isle seats and hoped that the seat between them would stay free. Her wish came true and I had a comfortable place in front of the empty seat.
There was another dog in the airplane right across from my mistress but that was a small one and sat on his master’s lap all the time. What if I tried that? Sitting on my mistress’ lap in the airplane might be fun. I know better and don’t do such a thing. Instead I had a long, long nap after I got some ice cubes. Did I tell you I love ice cubes and I only get them on special occasions like going to a restaurant or flying in an airplane? My mistress says I can’t make much mess with the ice cubes. To be honest, I think it’s a good idea; a water bowl might fall over in the airplane. During take off my mistress gave me some treats because when I chew the pressure in my ears would go away. Clever person my mistress.

After a long flight, almost 10.5 hours we finally arrived in Germany, Frankfurt. It smelled somehow familiar. Might have to do with the fact that my mistress worked there for a couple of years and carried some of that smell with her when she came home. It’s been 29 months since we left Germany last time and traveled the United States and Canada. Who would have thought we will be part of a Voyageur Canoe Brigade, see bears and coyotes, survive -48°C / -54°F, meet so many nice people, get a new Omi – Omi Hermy, see so many beautiful places in this world.

I am very lucky to be able to have experienced all that and so are my humans. They loved every single minute of our time in the USA and Canada and nobody can take away the memories we have, no matter what happens next. My humans and I are blessed.

If it was for me we could travel more but have a steady home too. My humans said they are working on it and that this is the plan when we get the permission to live and work in the United States of America. They also said that Germany is not really on option to stay, as they don’t feel at home there and don't like the political situation. In case we can’t go back to the USA they will look for a place for us to stay somewhere in Europe. Sounds good to me. Let’s see what the future brings. I will keep you updated.


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