May 3, 2019 – Rainforest Café never gets boring

In a couple of days is my human’s wedding anniversary and Mothers Day. My humans decided to celebrate that early because they try to sell the car. Why would they want to sell the car? It’s so convenient to have the car; they can drive me to the dog park. Well, whatever – they said they would celebrate this today and go out for dinner. Last time we’ve been at the Rainforest Café the food was very good and they liked it there. So they reserved a table for that evening.

I like the Rainforest Café, there is so much to see and hear besides all the good smells from the food.
My humans parked at Planet Hollywood as the parking is free and it’s close to the Rainforest Café. Walking through Planet Hollywood is fun, as long as you don’t walk through the area where they are gambling.

When we arrived at the Rainforest Café we were guided to our table, a big round table in a booth. Behind my mistress was a huge Gorilla. No worries – not a real one although you could think so. He was talking (in Gorilla language) and moving. My master had a puma behind him but that one was quiet and did not move much, very relaxed compared to the Gorilla.

I could hide underneath the table; there was plenty of room for me. Every 20 minutes they have a monsoon rain with thunder and lightning. To be honest, I was quite worried when that happened. I am afraid of thunderstorms and don’t like them AT ALL!!! My mistress told me that there is no need to worry as it is not real but that did not convince me.
The smell of the food my humans ate distracted me a little bit. I had to watch them closely just in case they drop something. They had a steak with two different kinds of rice. Doesn’t that look yummy? Bad thing about it – I DID NOT GET ONE BITE!!!!!

When we left the Rainforest Café I said Goodbye to the crocodile in the entrance.

On the way back through Planet Hollywood my humans strolled and looked at some of the stores. There was one store that had art, a little different kind of art I would say. Of course I don’t know anything about art but I liked what I saw. My humans were too worried to take me inside because a lot of the things were made out of glass. The shop is called “Royal Gallery” ( My humans talked to the owner Lawrence David and he showed them pictures of his dog. When my humans looked at the website after being back home they showed me the 3D Walk Through Video. Have a look at that, they sell beautiful things.

To watch the video about me meeting the crocodile or more pictures please visit my Facebook Page

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