March 9, 2019 – Never ending story
Importing a car from Canada to Nevada seems to be very difficult. My mistress has tried to do that since we arrived in Nevada on February 8th. DMV, that office where you register your car, gave my humans a list of papers they would need to import and register the car.
After more than 30 days my mistress finally had all the papers to get the car imported. Getting a simple letter from Jeep that states the vehicle meets the standards for EPA & DOT standards was very complicated but they did not understand that my humans are neither Canadian nor US citizens. Please don’t ask me what EPA & DOT is. I do not understand all that stuff. Papers, basically a piece of wood with some plant juice on it can’t be that important. Unfortunately they seem to be that important. At least important enough to make endless phone calls, write lots of emails and stay in line for hours at the DMV.
After my humans went to customs at the airport in Las Vegas yesterday, where they picked up the import papers for the car, they went to the DMV. After that they drove to the DMV right away. When we arrived there we had to stay in line for almost two hours just to find out that the car needs a VIN inspection and a smog test. They were asked to do that and come back. We haven’t even made it to an agent at the DMV, just the information desk. While we were there the line got even longer. My humans decided to go to Pahrump and register the car there. Normally you don’t have to wait that long at the DMV in Pahrump.
Just thinking, why do they have to register the car at all? Am I registered too? Is that why I have tags on my harness? Does that mean I am just a number? No I don’t belief that’s true, my name is LUPO, like lupus (wolf in Latin). Our car has a name too, Black Queen. So why does it need to have a number? I just don’t get it.
Driving to Pahrump from where we live takes about 1.5 hours. There is a lot of street construction on the road to Pahrump. When we arrived in Pahrump the DMV was crowded. Luckily the line for the information desk wasn’t that long. My humans explained the situation and told that lady that they want to register the car. They were told they needed more papers. When my mistress asked where they can get that one paper the lady just nodded but did not give an answer. Well, how are my humans supposed to know where to get that particular paper? They are not US citizens have never deled with something like that.
My master tried to get at least the VIN inspection done, but in Pahrump you have to get a paper from the agent at the DMV to be able to have the VIN inspection done.
That’s confusing.
My humans decided to drive back to Las Vegas and get the VIN inspection and the smog there and try to go back to DMV early next morning.
After another 1.5 hours drive back to Las Vegas we had the VIN inspection done and on the way home they found a place to get the smog.
Today we got up very early, way too early for me. 5.30 a.m. – in the middle of the night! Are these humans out of their mind? I need my beauty sleep and I refuse to get up before 8.30 a.m. No complaining helped, they left home at 7 a.m. to go to the DMV.
When we arrived there the line was VERY, VERY long. Well, the doors were not open yet, but still, the line was pretty long. It took us about 2.5 hours to finally be at the information desk. This time we were allowed to go to an agent and get the registration done. Wrong! After another 30 minutes of waiting my humans and I were called to the window where that very nice lady was waiting for us. She looked at all the papers for the car and told my humans that there was one paper missing that customs should have given to them. Seriously? One paper? Can I just find a paper outside and give it to her? My mistress explained to me that it needs to be a particular paper, from customs that states something I did not quite get. Today is Saturday and custom is closed. My humans have to wait until Monday to get that done.
What a nightmare just to get an official number. At least that nice lady gave my humans another permit for the car so they are able to drive that car.
On the way home my humans took me to a dog park where I could run and play with other dogs after standing in line for so long.

After more than 30 days my mistress finally had all the papers to get the car imported. Getting a simple letter from Jeep that states the vehicle meets the standards for EPA & DOT standards was very complicated but they did not understand that my humans are neither Canadian nor US citizens. Please don’t ask me what EPA & DOT is. I do not understand all that stuff. Papers, basically a piece of wood with some plant juice on it can’t be that important. Unfortunately they seem to be that important. At least important enough to make endless phone calls, write lots of emails and stay in line for hours at the DMV.
After my humans went to customs at the airport in Las Vegas yesterday, where they picked up the import papers for the car, they went to the DMV. After that they drove to the DMV right away. When we arrived there we had to stay in line for almost two hours just to find out that the car needs a VIN inspection and a smog test. They were asked to do that and come back. We haven’t even made it to an agent at the DMV, just the information desk. While we were there the line got even longer. My humans decided to go to Pahrump and register the car there. Normally you don’t have to wait that long at the DMV in Pahrump.
Just thinking, why do they have to register the car at all? Am I registered too? Is that why I have tags on my harness? Does that mean I am just a number? No I don’t belief that’s true, my name is LUPO, like lupus (wolf in Latin). Our car has a name too, Black Queen. So why does it need to have a number? I just don’t get it.
Driving to Pahrump from where we live takes about 1.5 hours. There is a lot of street construction on the road to Pahrump. When we arrived in Pahrump the DMV was crowded. Luckily the line for the information desk wasn’t that long. My humans explained the situation and told that lady that they want to register the car. They were told they needed more papers. When my mistress asked where they can get that one paper the lady just nodded but did not give an answer. Well, how are my humans supposed to know where to get that particular paper? They are not US citizens have never deled with something like that.
My master tried to get at least the VIN inspection done, but in Pahrump you have to get a paper from the agent at the DMV to be able to have the VIN inspection done.
That’s confusing.
My humans decided to drive back to Las Vegas and get the VIN inspection and the smog there and try to go back to DMV early next morning.
After another 1.5 hours drive back to Las Vegas we had the VIN inspection done and on the way home they found a place to get the smog.
Today we got up very early, way too early for me. 5.30 a.m. – in the middle of the night! Are these humans out of their mind? I need my beauty sleep and I refuse to get up before 8.30 a.m. No complaining helped, they left home at 7 a.m. to go to the DMV.
When we arrived there the line was VERY, VERY long. Well, the doors were not open yet, but still, the line was pretty long. It took us about 2.5 hours to finally be at the information desk. This time we were allowed to go to an agent and get the registration done. Wrong! After another 30 minutes of waiting my humans and I were called to the window where that very nice lady was waiting for us. She looked at all the papers for the car and told my humans that there was one paper missing that customs should have given to them. Seriously? One paper? Can I just find a paper outside and give it to her? My mistress explained to me that it needs to be a particular paper, from customs that states something I did not quite get. Today is Saturday and custom is closed. My humans have to wait until Monday to get that done.
What a nightmare just to get an official number. At least that nice lady gave my humans another permit for the car so they are able to drive that car.
On the way home my humans took me to a dog park where I could run and play with other dogs after standing in line for so long.
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