February 8, 2019 – We made it!
Today we did not have to drive that far, so my humans slept a little longer. My humans had breakfast in the hotel and we left right after they were finished.
It started to look like Nevada already although we still were in Arizona. I got excited and looked forward to finally arrive and be able to run around in Ken’s backyard. Little did I know.
Shortly before we approached Las Vegas we passed Lake Mead and my humans stopped for a couple of minutes to have a better look at Lake Mead. They thought of visiting Hoover Damn but they decided that they would do that another time.
When we arrived in Pahrump and my humans just stopped at Albertsons to get something to eat and drink and went to the DMV to register the car. At the DMV they talked to Holly again. Remember, she was that nice lady that registered the old car. Unfortunately she told my humans that there were forms missing to register the car. The papers should have been given to my humans at the border control. But the officer at the border control only gave my humans a note and told them they have to go to Nevada and get a letter from Jeep stating some things and they should be good. Well, now my humans have a problem. They might even have to go back to Niagara Falls to get all the paperwork done. No, I don’t want to go back there all the way! There must be another way to fix that. Well, it’s weekend now and nothing that can be done until Monday.
After that we went to Ken’s house. I thought we would stay there but we only visited for about half an hour. BUT I was able to run in the backyard and greet my old friends on the neighbor property.
We left to Las Vegas to get a motel room. We’ve been in the Motel6 in Dean Martin Drive before in 2015 and the motel wasn’t bad. The Wi-Fi did not work back then and my humans were told it’s a temporary problem.
My humans decided to go there again and luckily they had a room available.
After we checked my mistress checked in and because they decided to stay for three nights they got all the stuff from the car in the room.
My humans fell asleep very early but later in the evening there was a lot of noises outside. A woman was screaming and doors slamming. That went on for quite a while. My humans both woke up by the screaming and fighting.
I did not like that fighting and screaming. After 4 am it finally got quiet.

It started to look like Nevada already although we still were in Arizona. I got excited and looked forward to finally arrive and be able to run around in Ken’s backyard. Little did I know.
Shortly before we approached Las Vegas we passed Lake Mead and my humans stopped for a couple of minutes to have a better look at Lake Mead. They thought of visiting Hoover Damn but they decided that they would do that another time.
When we arrived in Pahrump and my humans just stopped at Albertsons to get something to eat and drink and went to the DMV to register the car. At the DMV they talked to Holly again. Remember, she was that nice lady that registered the old car. Unfortunately she told my humans that there were forms missing to register the car. The papers should have been given to my humans at the border control. But the officer at the border control only gave my humans a note and told them they have to go to Nevada and get a letter from Jeep stating some things and they should be good. Well, now my humans have a problem. They might even have to go back to Niagara Falls to get all the paperwork done. No, I don’t want to go back there all the way! There must be another way to fix that. Well, it’s weekend now and nothing that can be done until Monday.
After that we went to Ken’s house. I thought we would stay there but we only visited for about half an hour. BUT I was able to run in the backyard and greet my old friends on the neighbor property.
We left to Las Vegas to get a motel room. We’ve been in the Motel6 in Dean Martin Drive before in 2015 and the motel wasn’t bad. The Wi-Fi did not work back then and my humans were told it’s a temporary problem.
My humans decided to go there again and luckily they had a room available.
After we checked my mistress checked in and because they decided to stay for three nights they got all the stuff from the car in the room.
My humans fell asleep very early but later in the evening there was a lot of noises outside. A woman was screaming and doors slamming. That went on for quite a while. My humans both woke up by the screaming and fighting.
I did not like that fighting and screaming. After 4 am it finally got quiet.

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