February 6, 2019 – Driving through Oklahoma and see nothing of the state

This morning my humans packed the car again and we left for a long ride. We still had to drive 1500 miles / 2400 km in 3 days. When we left Fort Worth the clouds were low and no sun was shining. As soon as we came to Oklahoma we had fog and could not see anything of the state. We did not know if there were fields or mountains to the left or the right.
When we approached the Chickasaw Tourist Information my humans stopped. In most of the states you can find Tourist Information for the state shortly after crossing the border between the states. Usually they have maps and brochures of the state. In Oklahoma there was no such Tourist Information so my humans decided go to this one.
Julia who works there greeted us. It was a very nice Tourist Information and they sold original things made by the Chickasaw. The Chickasaws are one of the Native tribes in Oklahoma. My humans purchased some coffee mugs and had a coffee break.
Next to the Tourist Information is a chocolate factory called Bedré. The Chickasaw purchased the company a couple of years ago.
My humans did not take me into the chocolate factory but I could smell the chocolate as they purchased a little chocolate.

We drove through fog all day and when we finally crossed the state line to Texas again we left the fog behind us and had sunshine. Isn’t that crazy? It looked like the fog stayed in Oklahoma.
By the way, I did not make a mistake when I said we drove into Texas again. When you look at the map you can see how that can happen.

My humans looked for a hotel in Amarillo, TX and found a nice one. We stayed at the Quality Inn on I-40 East. A very nice room, I was very comfortable there and so were my humans.

I am tired of being in the car all day but it looks like we have to spend some more days in the car. Let’s see what the next day brings.

Professional Reader


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