February 4, 2019 – Arriving in Fort Worth, Texas

This morning we left Brinkley in Arkansas. After we were on the road for a while my humans saw two dogs running next to the freeway, a beagle followed by a black dog. . Now comes the strange thing, about 150 km further my humans again saw two dogs running next to the freeway – a beagle and a black dog. The only difference was the black dog had a white spot on his chest this time. Isn’t that completely crazy?

Around lunchtime we drove the state border to Texas. My humans were hungry and stopped at a McDonalds to have a burger. Can you imagine, they even ordered meat without anything else for me? It was so good, I think I could get used to it.
In the afternoon we arrived in Fort Worth. They told me we would stay at Peter’s cousins house for the night and the next day. Ortrud, Peter’s cousin is a very nice person and so are her grandchildren and daughter. I think the children liked me. The little one smelled so good, I just HAD to kiss her.

Let me tell you a little bit about Arkansas. It was admitted to the Union as the 25th state in 1836. Arkansas is 29th largest state by area and the 33rd most populous of all states. Arkansas can actually be divided in half when it comes to the terrain. One half has a lot of mountains – the highlands. The other half is flat. The Mississippi flows through Arkansas and we crossed it over a bridge.
The Mississippi is the largest river of the United States.

Texas is the second largest state by area and population. It is 10% bigger than France and almost twice as large as Germany or Japan. It is in the southernmost part of the Great Plains. Texas is also called the Lone Star State.

When we arrived in Texas it was quite warm, 22°C / 72F. When we left Port Hope we had like -21°C / -6F, what a difference!

We had a nice afternoon and evening with Ortrud. The humans talked a lot. They haven’t seen each other for five years. I was able to run in the backyard. I enjoyed that very much after being in the car for so many days.

Professional Reader


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