January 9, 2019 – Grooming the horses and making second place in a writing contest

My mistress now helps grooming the horses once a week at Oak Knoll Stables. The horses she grooms are Missy and Day Dream. While my mistress is busy I can play with Amie and Velcro, which is a lot of fun.

There are a lot of mares that need to be groomed. The mares are due to deliver the foals soon. The first foal is due on January 31. My mistress loves being with the horses, she says it’s like therapy for her. I don’t know, horses are huge and they have a lot of strength. Do I need to be worried about my mistress? She seems to know what she is doing and she is not afraid. Maybe I should talk to the horses and let them know that they have to take good care of my mistress. Next time I get the chance I will do that.

Uups, I completely forgot to tell you something. I, well my mistress more or less, won second prize in a writing contest. Let's start at the beginning. You remember I was part of the West Wind Brigade in 2017, I was the mascot? Well, the Canadian Voyageur Brigade Society had a writing contest where people could send in their stories about a brigade they were part of. My mistress sent in a story in my behalf and shortly before Christmas she was informed that she made second in that contest. They will publish the story in their newsletter and maybe some other places. As soon as I have the link for that I will give it to you. Isn't that amazing? Now I am really getting famous.

Little Bird, the cat in this picture can't believe I am writing a blog and get famous. Maybe she is just jealous.

Professional Reader


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