January 23, 2019 – A new car thanks to the investor

Our beautiful car, the Dodge Ram Extended Version from 1988 is broken. My humans say it looks like the transmission or at least a part of the transmission is broken. I don’t know what a transmission is but without that the car can’t drive.
My humans wanted to have that repaired and went to the garage in Cobourg to set a date for it. Here in this area not all car garages can fix transmissions. The one my humans went to can do that, well at least that’s the information they got before. Now they were told that the specialist that can do that would retire in a couple of days and after that nobody in that garage would be able to do that kind of repair. The next garage that could do that would be like 45 km away.
My humans were not sure if they should do that repair anyways because it’s an old car and they already had to pay some repairs last year. The garage in Pahrump told them that if they should touch the hoses that could case a lot more repairs because then they would have to replace all the hoses.
So they decided to instead of repairing the car for a lot of money use that money to purchase a new car.

I am not sure if I like that, the old car was so nice and I had so much room in it. My humans had a bed in it too. Yes, it was old but very special. People smiled when they saw the car. But on a second thought maybe a new car would be good. The old one did not have a heater and was very loud. I haven’t seen the new car yet so I will wait until I know what it is like to be in that car.

You might wonder how my humans managed to get the money for the new car. They found an investor for their software. The investor wants to remain anonymous. My humans are very relieved that they now have the funds to purchase a new car and have a little more peace and not to worry how to buy groceries the next day.

Professional Reader


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