September 9, 2018 – Salmon fishers, US flags in Canada and Fire truck
Today Joyce took us to Port Hope and Cobourg to show us the surrounding. We drove through Port Hope and went on to Cobourg where she parked the car.
Joyce found out a couple of days earlier that there would be a “Community Appreciation Day” on this day and she wanted to go there and thought it might be a good idea for my humans to meet some people that might be good to know for their balloon business.
But first we went to the river where the salmons were on their way upriver and fishermen tried to catch them. When we got out of the car I could smell old dead fish and in the sky you could see the vultures circle. When we were closer to the river we could see the salmon swim upriver and jump the steps. That must be hard for this fish as the river is strong. Joyce told us that further uphill there is a dam and in that dam is just one little hole on the side where the salmon can pass. Some fishermen caught a salmon and killed it and let it go again or let it go right away. What is this good for? They call it catch and release. The poor fish must have a wound in his mouth and they don’t take care of it. I suppose they don’t have humans like I do that take care of them. My humans would never do something like that, they always look after me. Joyce and my humans could not explain why these fishermen would do this.
After the humans decided they had seen enough salmon jumping we walked over the one bridge and there you could see American Flags on every house. I thought we were in Canada; we did not cross any borders. That’s weird. Joyce explained it to my humans. They are shooting a movie in this town. That movie takes place in the USA but the street here in Cobourg looks so nice and so much like old towns in the USA that they shoot here and pretend it to be in the USA. She also told my humans that they shot more movies here, one is called Anne of Clark Gables or something like that.
In the park was a huge statue of a lumberjack. Normally it is not there, they put it up for the movie. A guy from Great Britain was watching it and Joyce talked to him for a while.
After we went back to the car Joyce drove to that park where the Rotary Club hosted that Appreciation Day. When we got out of the car we went to the beach first. Dogs are not allowed on the beach here. I would have loved to run on the beach and just have fun. My mistress liked the beach very much. We came to the harbor next.
When we arrived at the little festival one of the organizers greeted Joyce and my master right away. My mistress took me a little aside, as there were so many dogs. They had free food very everybody and free beverages. People were very friendly. They also had a fire truck and a police car standing there. My mistress thought it might be a good idea to take a picture of me in front of the fire truck. These very nice officers said she could even take a picture of me IN the fire truck. They were serious about that and so my mistress let me jump into the fire truck, closed the door and took a picture. Can you imagine how awesome that was - me in a Canadian Fire Truck? I liked that a lot and you can see in the picture how proud I was about that.
What an adventure I had on this day. I love traveling with my humans and meeting new people.
We left to go and do groceries. No, I was not allowed to go with my mistress. My master stayed with me in the car.
Back in the house I made a little progress with one of the cats, the grey one. I call her Diva. She still hisses at me but she is also curious and watches me. The other cat, with three legs, I call her Shy, is hiding when I am around. She is scared, as she can’t run away as fast as the other one because she is missing a leg.
The humans had dinner later and my mistress gave me dry food. That’s not my favorite and I refused to eat. Thanks a lot but NO.

Joyce found out a couple of days earlier that there would be a “Community Appreciation Day” on this day and she wanted to go there and thought it might be a good idea for my humans to meet some people that might be good to know for their balloon business.
But first we went to the river where the salmons were on their way upriver and fishermen tried to catch them. When we got out of the car I could smell old dead fish and in the sky you could see the vultures circle. When we were closer to the river we could see the salmon swim upriver and jump the steps. That must be hard for this fish as the river is strong. Joyce told us that further uphill there is a dam and in that dam is just one little hole on the side where the salmon can pass. Some fishermen caught a salmon and killed it and let it go again or let it go right away. What is this good for? They call it catch and release. The poor fish must have a wound in his mouth and they don’t take care of it. I suppose they don’t have humans like I do that take care of them. My humans would never do something like that, they always look after me. Joyce and my humans could not explain why these fishermen would do this.
After the humans decided they had seen enough salmon jumping we walked over the one bridge and there you could see American Flags on every house. I thought we were in Canada; we did not cross any borders. That’s weird. Joyce explained it to my humans. They are shooting a movie in this town. That movie takes place in the USA but the street here in Cobourg looks so nice and so much like old towns in the USA that they shoot here and pretend it to be in the USA. She also told my humans that they shot more movies here, one is called Anne of Clark Gables or something like that.
In the park was a huge statue of a lumberjack. Normally it is not there, they put it up for the movie. A guy from Great Britain was watching it and Joyce talked to him for a while.
After we went back to the car Joyce drove to that park where the Rotary Club hosted that Appreciation Day. When we got out of the car we went to the beach first. Dogs are not allowed on the beach here. I would have loved to run on the beach and just have fun. My mistress liked the beach very much. We came to the harbor next.
When we arrived at the little festival one of the organizers greeted Joyce and my master right away. My mistress took me a little aside, as there were so many dogs. They had free food very everybody and free beverages. People were very friendly. They also had a fire truck and a police car standing there. My mistress thought it might be a good idea to take a picture of me in front of the fire truck. These very nice officers said she could even take a picture of me IN the fire truck. They were serious about that and so my mistress let me jump into the fire truck, closed the door and took a picture. Can you imagine how awesome that was - me in a Canadian Fire Truck? I liked that a lot and you can see in the picture how proud I was about that.
What an adventure I had on this day. I love traveling with my humans and meeting new people.
We left to go and do groceries. No, I was not allowed to go with my mistress. My master stayed with me in the car.
Back in the house I made a little progress with one of the cats, the grey one. I call her Diva. She still hisses at me but she is also curious and watches me. The other cat, with three legs, I call her Shy, is hiding when I am around. She is scared, as she can’t run away as fast as the other one because she is missing a leg.
The humans had dinner later and my mistress gave me dry food. That’s not my favorite and I refused to eat. Thanks a lot but NO.

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