September 8, 2018 – Port Hope, that’s where the cats are

After my humans got up and had a shower and felt like civilized people again (that’s what they said) my mistress took me for a walk to the beach. I could at least try to catch the ducks but of course I did not get them. It was fun running on the beach and just sniff around and enjoy the sun.
My mistress was in a very good mood and she enjoyed being at the beach too.
The lake is called Lake Nipissing and it is quite big.

When we got back to Dwight’s house he and Marie were preparing breakfast. That smelled so good and I would have loved to get something. They talked and talked and talked. I tried to get their attention by annoying them but it did not work.
After they finished my humans packed the stuff they took out of the van for the night. Dwight gave me some tuna as Marie opened a can the other day to feed that little skinny cat that was coming to their house a couple of times. Oh that was so good. My mistress needs to feed me that once in a while.

We took off in our van a little while later to go to Port Hope. Another 4-5 hours drive in sunny weather. My humans stopped twice to give the van a break and check on the fluids, as it was uphill and downhill a lot.
Again they saw a lot of baldheaded eagles this day, 15.

When we arrived in Port Hope we could not find Joyce’s house at first because the driveway was hidden. After we turned around my humans finally saw the driveway and pulled in. Joyce was busy working in the “garden”, I would call it park.
She was very happy to see us. She showed us her house, which is rather uncommon in Canada but very familiar to my humans because it is European. A huge house with a lot of garages.
My humans and I can stay in a very nice room in the basement and the best thing about it; I can look outside and watch what is going on there. Not that I expect much to go on because it’s just trees and grass but maybe I see something interesting. A fisher a couple of weeks ago attacked one of the cats. I have never seen a fisher and would like to see one.

I don’t know why humans talk so much but they do. The cats were scared of me and stayed away. I am not sure if I like it. I think it would be fun to play with them but I am a little afraid of them. They hiss at me and try to hit me with their claws. Bandit did that once to me and that hurt.
Joyce prepared some dinner for the humans and my mistress had some more cans for me.
More talking, for hours. What is it they have to talk about all the time?

Finally they decided that they need to get their stuff out of the van, at least some of it and when they were finished my humans were tired and went to bed. My mistress made sure I had all my blankets so I could have a comfy night.

Professional Reader


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