September 16, 2018 – Salmon, hundreds of them looking for the fish ladder

My humans had to do some groceries in town. Unluckily our van did not start, something is wrong with it. My master has to check that. Joyce offered us to take her car to go into town. That’s very friendly – Thank you Joyce!

After they did the groceries my mistress wanted to show that dam and all the salmons to my master and me.
There were a lot of people there but we found a good spot to see the fish.

In front of the dam were hundreds of salmons swimming around. They have to find the fish ladder on the far left side of the dam to continue their journey. They can’t see it in the water and many of them jump where there is no fish ladder. This must hurt them and I am sure they are insured too.
A couple of them found the ladder and I was so happy they made it.
Can’t humans do something about this and make it easier for the fish to migrate? They could just build a detour or something for the fish, there must be something they could do. These dams are men build and salmons or other fish don’t know anything about it.
These salmons migrate upriver where they spam and die. All this effort swimming up the river, finding the fish ladder in the dam and just die after spamming? That seems weird to me. Good thing I am not a salmon.

Professional Reader


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