September 13, 2018 – my mistress had a crazy walk through Port Hope
This morning my mistress decided to experience Port Hope and do some groceries. I could not go with my mistress because she wanted to do groceries and I was very tired and preferred to take a long nap. When she came back she told me everything that happened.
As Joyce had to go into town anyways she took my mistress and dropped her off at the mall. She wanted to pick up my mistress about an hour later. My mistress went to Bulk Barn for the first time and was amazed of what you could get there. After that she wanted to do groceries. At the mall was “Independent” but she remembered they had some interesting offers at “Metro”. She couldn’t remember where exactly Metro was so she asked someone on the parking lot. That very nice lady told her how to go there and said it’s about a 20 minutes walk. My mistress had plenty of time left till Joyce wanted to pick her up. Her plan was to go to Metro and send Joyce a text message that she would be at Metro and not at the mall.
She started walking through Port Hope and walked and walked. On her way she saw beautiful old brick houses in town that were build in the 18 hundreds. While she was walking she wasn’t sure where to go because the explanation of that lady wasn’t detailed and she had been walking way longer than 20 minutes. There was this nice police officer standing at that street corner. My mistress asked her where to go and was told to walk the street to the end and make a left and there would be Metro. That didn’t seem to be far.
It was already 12 pm when she came to the corner where she had to make a left. When she approached that corner she remembered passing this corner in the car the other week and finally she remembered where Metro was. That would have been another 15 minutes walk to go there.
My mistress knew that Joyce had to pick up something from the post office and she just passed the post office. So she went there and sat down to wait for Joyce. She wanted to send a text message to Joyce to let her know where she was but somehow that did not work. There was no way to send that message without Wi-Fi.
She went into the post office to see if there was Wi-Fi in there. James, a very nice guy who worked in the post office, told her that there was no Wi-Fi in the post office and he offered my mistress to use his phone to call Joyce.
My mistress made sure to have Joyce’s contact information in her phone before we left Tim’s place but it wasn’t in the phone any more. No phone number – no call. She thanked James and went off to find a place with Wi-Fi to look up Joyce’s number in one of her emails.
She walked back to the corner where that nice police officer was and the police officer said, “You didn’t walk all the way to Metro and back in that short time, did you?” My mistress explained what happened and the police officer offered her phone to call Joyce. Well, she had to find out the phone number first.
On the other side of the street was a bank and sometimes they have free Wi-Fi in the bank. No, no Wi-Fi there. Opposite of the bank was a hairdresser called “Evolution” so my mistress walked in there and asked if she could use their Wi-Fi. They gave her the password and she was able to look up Joyce’s phone number and add it to her contacts. She also send a message to my master to let him know where she was in case Joyce contacted him and she send out the message to Joyce.
Now she went back to the post office, because that’s what she told Joyce and my master where she would be. Also she wanted to take James’s offer to call Joyce and let her know.
So my mistress passed the police officer again, told her that she got the phone number now and was able to send a message and walked to the post office. James let her call Joyce and she was able to tell Joyce where she was. Joyce was late as she was still talking to some people and hadn’t noticed yet that my mistress was not where she should have been.
A couple of minutes later my mistress was picked up by Joyce and they went to pick up the package for Joyce at the other post office.
On their way there they passed a corner where the filming for that movie “Largo” after a book by Stephen King. I am not into movies, and especially not into horror movies. I prefer watching the squirrel in the backyard. But my mistress said it was interesting to see all the people taking care of lamps and sound and everything.
After they finished in the post office Joyce and my mistress headed home but they stopped at the dam.
A lot of people were there to watch them. Joyce talked to a couple of people that came from the USA just to watch the filming of the movie. As the filming was inside of a shop that day they made some sightseeing and heard about the salmon migration.
My mistress was exhausted when she came back home. It was a 3 miles walk and it was very hot and humid outside. Luckily I could stay in the cool of the house and just nap. Life is good and I enjoy it.

As Joyce had to go into town anyways she took my mistress and dropped her off at the mall. She wanted to pick up my mistress about an hour later. My mistress went to Bulk Barn for the first time and was amazed of what you could get there. After that she wanted to do groceries. At the mall was “Independent” but she remembered they had some interesting offers at “Metro”. She couldn’t remember where exactly Metro was so she asked someone on the parking lot. That very nice lady told her how to go there and said it’s about a 20 minutes walk. My mistress had plenty of time left till Joyce wanted to pick her up. Her plan was to go to Metro and send Joyce a text message that she would be at Metro and not at the mall.
She started walking through Port Hope and walked and walked. On her way she saw beautiful old brick houses in town that were build in the 18 hundreds. While she was walking she wasn’t sure where to go because the explanation of that lady wasn’t detailed and she had been walking way longer than 20 minutes. There was this nice police officer standing at that street corner. My mistress asked her where to go and was told to walk the street to the end and make a left and there would be Metro. That didn’t seem to be far.
It was already 12 pm when she came to the corner where she had to make a left. When she approached that corner she remembered passing this corner in the car the other week and finally she remembered where Metro was. That would have been another 15 minutes walk to go there.
My mistress knew that Joyce had to pick up something from the post office and she just passed the post office. So she went there and sat down to wait for Joyce. She wanted to send a text message to Joyce to let her know where she was but somehow that did not work. There was no way to send that message without Wi-Fi.
She went into the post office to see if there was Wi-Fi in there. James, a very nice guy who worked in the post office, told her that there was no Wi-Fi in the post office and he offered my mistress to use his phone to call Joyce.
My mistress made sure to have Joyce’s contact information in her phone before we left Tim’s place but it wasn’t in the phone any more. No phone number – no call. She thanked James and went off to find a place with Wi-Fi to look up Joyce’s number in one of her emails.
She walked back to the corner where that nice police officer was and the police officer said, “You didn’t walk all the way to Metro and back in that short time, did you?” My mistress explained what happened and the police officer offered her phone to call Joyce. Well, she had to find out the phone number first.
On the other side of the street was a bank and sometimes they have free Wi-Fi in the bank. No, no Wi-Fi there. Opposite of the bank was a hairdresser called “Evolution” so my mistress walked in there and asked if she could use their Wi-Fi. They gave her the password and she was able to look up Joyce’s phone number and add it to her contacts. She also send a message to my master to let him know where she was in case Joyce contacted him and she send out the message to Joyce.
Now she went back to the post office, because that’s what she told Joyce and my master where she would be. Also she wanted to take James’s offer to call Joyce and let her know.
So my mistress passed the police officer again, told her that she got the phone number now and was able to send a message and walked to the post office. James let her call Joyce and she was able to tell Joyce where she was. Joyce was late as she was still talking to some people and hadn’t noticed yet that my mistress was not where she should have been.
A couple of minutes later my mistress was picked up by Joyce and they went to pick up the package for Joyce at the other post office.
On their way there they passed a corner where the filming for that movie “Largo” after a book by Stephen King. I am not into movies, and especially not into horror movies. I prefer watching the squirrel in the backyard. But my mistress said it was interesting to see all the people taking care of lamps and sound and everything.
After they finished in the post office Joyce and my mistress headed home but they stopped at the dam.
A lot of people were there to watch them. Joyce talked to a couple of people that came from the USA just to watch the filming of the movie. As the filming was inside of a shop that day they made some sightseeing and heard about the salmon migration.
My mistress was exhausted when she came back home. It was a 3 miles walk and it was very hot and humid outside. Luckily I could stay in the cool of the house and just nap. Life is good and I enjoy it.
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