August 24, 2018 – Delivering a wearable balloon washing machine

My humans had to get up early again because they had to deliver the wearable balloon washing machine.
After they had breakfast they tried to leave to deliver that balloon thing but people kept asking questions and tried to talk to my humans. Finally they made it and could leave and of course they took me with them.

When we arrived at the Laundromat my humans left me in the van because they had to finish the balloon thing and they had to adjust it to the size of owner.
It took a while until they were finished and meanwhile their laundry was done too.
The owner of the Laundromat and her friend tried the wearable balloon washing machine and they loved it. Even just standing outside the shop made people stop with their car and look at it. That was exactly what the owner wanted, make people stop and look and get aware that there is a Laundromat.

The paddlers had a day off today. Some of them went to the Polar Bear Habitat in Cochrane in the morning because they missed this the other day. Later they paddled on Frederick House Lake, which is the lake next to Tim’s property.
Some of them went to Timmins with Tim to set up a booth for the Great Canadian Kayak Challenge & Festival. David Lundberg from “SewnHome” ( set up some of his tents and tipis and Tim set up the two Voyageur Tents he has. My humans were allowed to use David’s baker tent the next day to do balloons and represent the True North Voyageur Brigade.

Meanwhile my humans and me did some groceries in town and later we went to Kettle Lakes, the Provincial Park around here. They wanted to take a shower there, as the water is fresh spring water and way better than Tim’s spring water.
Kettle Lakes is a provincial park with twenty-two deep, spring-fed kettle lakes formed by glaciers and primarily Jack Pine Boreal Forest. It is really nice there, a lot of campgrounds. Very quiet as far as I could hear. They even have a beach where dogs can swim.

When we came back some of the paddlers were already busy preparing dinner and my mistress and my master could relax a little. They were able to spend some time with me and play with me.

My humans were supposed to go to Timmins in the afternoon and stay at the parking lot of the Great Canadian Kayak Challenge to watch the tents but as they could not stay close to the tents as Trapper Association had their tents there too with all the furs they decided to stay at camp because it would not make sense to stay the night there without being close to the tents. Also security closed the area for everybody and it was save for the tents.

So my humans and I went to bed early as they were exhausted and couldn’t keep their eyes open and the next day would be a long one.

Professional Reader


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